Thursday, November 11, 2010

EYE have some winners to announce & a BIG THANK YOU for today


Before I begin this post, I would like to say THANK YOU to all of the men and women who have and who are currently serving in our military. Without them, we would not have our freedom. Thank you for each and every moment that you gave so unselfishly to serve our country. Our family appreciates EACH and EVERY ONE of YOU! May God Bless you!!

I have to send a big thank you to all of you who have been just so very sweet and encouraging in my bag endeavor!! It tickles me silly to know that many of you will be making the bag now with the patterns that you have bought. Be sure to send me a photo of the finished bag so I can add it to a “Sophie’s Bloomers Bag” Flickr album. What fun that will be so see them done up in all kinds of fabrics! *giggle*


As a reminder, the giveaway was for a bag (the second to the left OR the very far right bag), a ruffled burlap runner, or a pattern. HOWEVER, because I am turning FIVE-OHHHHHHHH……why not FIVE giveaways! Shah! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!




All of the emailed entries and blog comment entries were added to the teal Bloomer Bag…..all 325 of them…..(you girls rock!)….

P1010096dand my hunkie son (with his totally cool tattooed arm) reached in and chose each winner. Thank you, Mr. S!


Here are the winners….1,2,3,4 and FIVE!

1. Susan Ramey Cleveland: winner of a Sophie’s Bloomer Bag

2. Manuela – The Pleasures of Homemaking: winner of a ruffled burlap runner

3. Glinda – a loyal blog reader & friend from Washington, DC: winner of a ruffled burlap runner

4. Marilyn – The Cutest Cottage Lamps blog: winner of a Sophie’s Bloomer Bag pattern

5. Stacie Jayne: winner of a Sophie’s Bloomer Bag pattern


Congratulations to everyone! A big ((hug)) to all who took the time to enter to win, too! Now what were the infamous Duhgall and Fiona doing whilst we picked the winners? They are NEVER too far from us – as a matter-of-fact, they were right at our feet. Duhgall was eyeballing Fiona’s red squishy ball…

P1010109d …and he grabbed hold of it sooner than she could. He is such a tease…..

“Where is she?”, he asks as he looks over his shoulder.


“Oh, there you are! I have your ball, Fiona…neener, neener!”


…and he is laughing his square scottie bum off about it, too!!!


But as quickly as you can say JACK RABBIT, Fiona moves in and snags it!

P1010114d You have to be fast in this family!

Again, congrats to the ladies!! I will need your addresses so that your goodies can be mailed off.



  1. Yay for your winners!!
    Thinking of you today...

  2. Good for Fiona - a gal has to be fast to stay ahead of the game!

  3. Congratulations to the lucky winners!!! You are so generous Becky!

  4. Congrats to the winners! And thank you for having this wonderful give-a-way! Kit

  5. That's a good girl!! Go Fe!!

  6. Congratulations to your winners! Those are the cutest little bags!
    Those little fuzzy faces are always so cute. Love to see and hear about their shenanigans! Chloe Dawn sends some doggy licks! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. COngrats to the WINNERS!
    Lucky lucky girlies!

  8. Well, just as well I didn't win. But I just used your burlap runner I received yesterday in my new banner. Go take a look.

  9. Congrats to the winners, 5 WOW!!!
    Again Happy Big 5---0 Becky, how
    sweet of you to give that much away.
    Hats off to all of the ones that
    serve our country. You can never
    say enough good about them. Freedom does not come cheap.
    Love that sweet eye that announced
    the winners. Way too cute.":O)

  10. I'm tickled pink, Becky. And that's the bag I choose--the pink. Thank you so much for this chance to win. I can't believe I won. Thank you, thank you. Give Fiona and Duhgal a pat for me.

  11. Congratulations to the winners!
    The bloomer bag is just too cute!

  12. oh, such wonderfully adorable gifts
    and sweet puppies

  13. Those are just too too cute and those gals are mighty lucky to have won those.. I have been gone again too long and am trying to catch up again...... I am keeping busy and discovering who I am.. Have started Yoga and am returning back to swimming at the University each morning.. Good for the soul.. Looks like you have been keeping sew busy with such pretty things.. Your patterns will be a big hit!

    I have a project like that started and will share when I have it ready..

    Blessings to you my sweet Calif friend..

  14. Cograts to the lucky winners. The dogs really got in on the act!

  15. what lucky ladies to be winners in your giveaway!
    Congratulations on your birthday, too.

    LOVE the pics of the doggers -- they are so adorable. Next, you need to get video of one of those "it's MINE" red ball disagreements.

    Best ... Cass

  16. Congrats to all your those bags and all your pictures....thanks so much for your visit and your very sweet comment. Sending you blessings Becky on this Memorial day...Shelley

  17. Becky, your bloomer bags are all so cute! I love your fabric choices. Congratulations to all of the winners. Have a nice weekend. sandi

  18. I do not know what planet I was on when you posted about your giveaway. I could kick myself, I totally missed it.
    Congratulation on getting your bag published. I know it's been a long hard road. How fun to see it in print. The bags are just wonderful Becky.
    I hope you are doing real well.
    Big Hugs!

  19. Hooray to all the winners...lucky gals!!

    Thinking of your today, Becky.


  20. YippE for all those lucky winners
    Benny & Lily

  21. Congrats to the winners ~ all five! How sweet of you to pick a couple extras Becky!
    I love your son's arm ~ the colors are amazing!

  22. Oh you lucky girls, congratulations to all of you winners!

  23. Congratulations to all the winners! They are in for some wonderful treats. Duhgall and Fiona, play ball! The season doesn't end in doggie land.

  24. Hi Becky, and THANK YOU so much for having this giveaway! I won the pattern, and that's exactly what I wanted to win - how about that! Must be my lucky day! By the way, I love your dogs, they're soooo cute! I will email you with my info....Thanks again, and your bags are so pretty!!!

  25. Thank you so much! This has just made my day - I've wanted a burlap runner for the longest time and to receive one from you makes this extra special to me.

    Love the photos and commentary on your furry babies!


  26. Becky, I am stunned. Thank you so much for this wonderful give away. I can hardly wait to see my beautiful burlap runner. I know just where it will reside. You are the best, my dear friend. Glinda

  27. Well Congrats to all those lucky gals!

  28. lovin your burlap runners...and your bags.

    one of my girlies used the material you sent us to make a dress~
    it's adorable. we will take some pics and email them to you!

    hope you and your family are well.

    big hugs~

  29. Oh, man.....I'm always a day late and a giveaway short!! Congrats to all the winners. ;)

  30. Your bloomer bags are yummylishous... I LOVE THEM... what a beautiful seamstress you are. I'm new at this blogging, been watching you for sometime. Thanks for having me. xoso Sandy

  31. I am sad I did not win but happy for the ones who did! Those pups are so much fun. I think I will have to order a pattern if I think I could manage it. I love the burlap runner, too. I think it is that combination of crisp white and cozy homespun... I adore that look. Thinking of you this week.

  32. well done to the lucky winners!

  33. Such lucky winners! Nice to meet you, I just found your blog and its nice to find someone in California (like me)

    Debbie Kay


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