Monday, August 9, 2010

a moon crater for breakfast?

P1010071b Nope ….

but we are traveling to Germany today to have some German pancakes!

Ok, not quite to Germany – but at least downstairs to my kitchen.




Slightly sweet with a fine dusting of powdered sugar on top…


…and a perfect accompaniment with fresh sliced white peaches and scrambled eggs.

A good start to a new week!


Baked German Pancakes

3 large eggs at room temperature

1/2 cup whole milk

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons butter, melted

2 tablespoons lemon juice (optional)

powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Generously butter the bottom, sides and rim of a 12-inch metal pin tin. Note: for the photos above, I doubled this recipe.

Break eggs into a mixing bowl and beat until well mixed together. note: I beat for about a minute, until little bubbles form around the edges.

Add the milk to the eggs and mix well.

Sift the flour and salt onto a piece of parchment paper – or waxed paper. Slowly pour the flour and salt into the milk and egg mixture, while whisking the entire time. Mix until very smooth. Add the melted butter and continue to whisk until the batter is smooth and silky looking.

Pour batter into pan and bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake for an additional 10 minutes. Sprinkle the top of the pancake with lemon (optional) and dust the top with powdered sugar. Serve warm. We love maple syrup on ours.



  1. Well I had red velvet cake for breakfast with my coffee. Your pancakes look DELICIOUS!


  2. I LOVE german pancakes!!! I make them with homemade buttermilk syrup. Mmmmmm

  3. Oh My Sweet Goodness! These look too amazingly crispy, flaky and BUTTERY! LORD HELP ME...I'm trying to be good!! One you have to use whole milk? Just in the case of pure diet weakness I give in and decide to make these...ummm for the kids...yeah, that's the's for the kids (wink wink).
    Thanks so much for stoppin' over at my blog and giving your bacon tips. More questions...what temp do you bake your bacon?

    Have A Happy Day,

  4. heather, you can use 2 percent milk. and for baking bacon, i bake it at 350 degrees until golden brown and crispy.

  5. Oh....I love German Pancakes! I haven't thought about those in years. Probably need to make them, thanks for the recipe Becky!

  6. German pancakes are my fav! It was a secret recipie I had... I didn't want to make them for the kids when they were young (because they just devoure everything, without even enjoying it) but now the secrets out.. .but they are still such a special treat!

  7. That looks so delicious. Until I read the post, I couldn't figure out what you had cooked. You make it look beyond yummy in those photos! Your family is very, very blessed to have you in the house when they wake up!
    Love you,
    PS Love the old salt too. Glad you were talking about the tin and not your hubby ;-)

  8. I put sauteed apples in the bottom before adding the batter and then of course, being the Vermont Maid that I am, we use real maple syrup. Accept no substitutes, that's my motto! I haven't made these in a while, it's been way too hot, but maybe soon. Thanks for the reminder.

  9. Oh, I simply adore German pancakes...The best ones I've had were in Texas of all places. Anyway,haven't made them in awhile,but will calculate the WW points and have some soon. I can't wait. Thanks Becky for reminding me of these yummy cakes. Yvonne

  10. My goodness these look delicious!
    I am going to try and make them.


  11. Ohhhh! Those look sinfully delicious.

  12. Wow, I don't think I have ever seen these but they would be so fun to serve to guests:>) Thanks for the recipe Becky!

  13. Becky those look soooo good. My great grandparents came from
    Germany and I have never eaten
    those. I will now. Thanks":O)

  14. I love these and havent made them for awhile. I think they taste like lemon bars when you put lemon and powdered sugar on them. Mimi

  15. That is a mighty yummy looking I love the look of those pancakes and I think we'll have to make some too! We often enjoy pancakes with blueberries on Sunday mornings..but this will be a wonderful change.
    Delish pictures...thank you for sharing.
    have a wonderful day

  16. I just told The Great Dane that we're going to have a light supper - meatless. Do you think that this is light enough?

  17. Your killing my diet! These look yummy! :)


  18. Oh I love these! My husband and I had these for the first time at a B&B in Sonora, CA on our honeymoon. They called them Dutch Babies, but they're essentially the same thing. I haven't made them in years. Love the lemon juice on them with the powdered sugar. YUMMMMM!

  19. Ooooh Becky -- those look deeeelicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  20. i love german pancakes and haven't
    made them in years. thank you for
    the recipe! yours look delicious.

    thank you for watching my daughter's
    video! you were very kind.

  21. I want to try these baked pancakes. They look delicious!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Love & blessings from NC!

  22. Oh YUM. My husband makes these soooooo well. I love, love, LOVE when he decides to do breakfast on the weekend. Your pictures of them are making me crave them somethin' fierce!!!

  23. Oh I am sooooooooo there!!!!!!!



  24. Our mouths are watering! yummmmmmmmmmm

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  25. those sound wonderful...going to try this later this week as a special meal for dd b4 she leaves for college :)

  26. Hello Dawn! In our family we call these oven pancakes! After they are baked, we put home made jelly or jam (or cinnamon/sugar mix) and roll em up and slice them. We also put a dash of nutmeg in ours. I luv em ! Haven't had em in a while, thanks for hte reminder :)

  27. Yikes, sorry Becky, I think I called you Dawn--I'm so confused this morning. Going for more coffee......Mickie

  28. Oh my DEAR! Are you trying to put the 7 pounds back on me that I just took off? Closing my eyes and not going to look at this photo.


  29. Yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I love, love, love those white peaches!

  30. We call those Dutch Babies! Mmmmm

  31. I had to copy this recipe. It was the pictures that hooked me. Why don't low calorie foods every look this good?

  32. I want to come over for breakfast! Those pancakes look fantastic. Are they similar to Dutch Baby Pancakes? They look like it!
    I love your blog!

  33. oh, my husband just mentioned these today - but, I have never made them - and they look so frighteningly difficult to make! I must give it a try though - he would be so happy! Sweets for the sweet, you know!
    Your pages are LoVelY!

    Hugs, Patti

  34. Those do look lovely! I also make them, but with sauteed apples and cinnamon.

  35. These do look lovely--and with lemon--I would have never thought of it, but I'll bet they are divine! I also make a german pancake, but serve with sauteed apples in butter & cinnamon. Yummm


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