Thursday, August 19, 2010

mixing eggs with butter

Eggs and butter go together nicely, wouldn’t you say?

That is what I thought!


My sweet mother, who loves to junk as much as I do, recently gave me this old metal egg scale. She bought it knowing that I love antique metal objects, especially those with a little rust around the edges. When I got home, I went from room to room trying to figure out just the perfect place to put the old scale.


For now, Mr. “Reliable” is holding his own with some vintage ironstone butter pats resting on his arms. Old pieces don’t need to be used for their intended purposes. Mix it up….eggs and butter DO go together, right?

And that’s the way it is……


Elsie said...

Becky I love it. It really looks
good with your butter pats. I
have an egg scale but it doesn't
look like that. That one is very
unusual, I have never seen one like
that. Too Neat!!!":O)

Catherine Holman said...

I have one of those too. My husband's 99 year old grandmother used to sell eggs on her farm. I haven't figured out what to do with it yet either.

Heather Lee said...

My friend, you have an amazing gift to make all things come together beautifully!
God Bless Ya,

Miss Jean said...

Oh, but eggs and butter do go together. In fact, what doesn't go with butter? I love the egg scale. You always seem to find just the most precious items. Plus it's from your Mom, so that makes it all the more special.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a wonderful piece! It looks perfect where you put it.

Eggs and butter always remind me of making wonderful chewy cookies!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

I have never seen an egg scale, but I love it. It looks so cute with your butter pats. Love & blessings from NC!

Patina said...

What a fun egg scale, what a wonderful mother! I think those little butter pats are so cool! I haven't found any yet, at least while treasure hunting, but I'm looking. They look great with you scale Becky!

Mimi Sue said...

If you add a little sugar and flour you could make a cake:) Your lampshade "cloche" is adorable. Mimi

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Lovely indeed. And your open cloche display is creative and beautiful. Wishing a fabulous Friday! :) Tammy

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Eggs and butter go together marvelously!!


Pondside said...

What an interesting old tool - and I love the new use.

Teresa said...

Love that old scale!
And really love those old WHITE dishes!
Now I need to start collecting those!
Are they a particular type of dish?
Love how thick and milky they are!
Snuggles to Fiona and Mr. Duhgall!
Happy Weekend Sweetpea!

The Old Parsonage said...

Perfect - Love it! I love the counter weight too!


PamKittyMorning said...

I love it. I have a collection of vintage egg scales including one of these I think. I need to rethink my old stuff.

addie373 said...

it's perfect!

Signs and Salvage said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your ironstone!!!!

Have a good weekend!!


Linda said...

Wonderful combination if I don't say so are a talent!

Linda said...

looks great!

Kristen said...

I have never seen one like that. I love it. What a beautiful picture !

Kathleen Grace said...

Very cool Becky! I have never seen an egg scale that looked like that! Unique and the grey of the scale looks beautiful with the creamy white butter pats:>)

Deborah said...

Perfect spot for it...and I love those white jugs!!!!

Deborah xo

Duke said...

What a neat egg scale! We love it!

Denise said...

Good morning Becky! I am going to get back to the blog and visit my friends! It has been a long hot summer! All your white goodies are beautiful ! I need to get some of mine out!

We are moving Mom today...... I am praying that she is able to stay out in her home alone........ I am not able to keep her 24/7 so we are going to try this for a while.

Have a happy happy Saturday.....

fiberdoodles said...

Oh I love it! And it looks perfect there. Hummm, eggs and butter? I think I will go make cookies now ;0)

Rose said...

I have a small collection of old kitchen items. this item is fantastic, i also keep the rust on the item. have a good weekend. rose

Elyse said...

so cool and so farmhouse-y! love it.


Simple Home said...

I don't think I've ever seen one of those. I really like it. It looks so good with the white butter pats and white dishes. I love your style :-)

JG said...

I've never seen an egg scale. Thanks for sharing!