Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Better Than Faire


Mix in a day of sunshine, antiques, collectibles and grilled onions with hot links and you have a better than fair day for a peddler’s faire. My husband and I – with doggies, too – strolled amongst all of the wonderful booths filled with antiques and vintage collectibles. No, we didn’t take home the scottie things here, but Miss Jean did score a wonderful scottie painting and I found an old dog print, a vintage tablecloth, an old crock, a scottie towel and a fabulous green chippy paint cabinet.

IMG_3164 It was a fun morning and we ran into a lot of friends whilst there. The faire was held in a historic town in the foothills of California. My husband, with camera in hand, took all of the pictures. I had to be “hands free” to shop, dontchaknow! IMG_3168 Well, at least one hand free as Miss Fiona hung out with us girls.







The posse patrol…. they did a good job and maintained a "high profile" amongst the crowd. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and hopefully there weren’t any problems.



The setting for the faire was just lovely. The adjacent river was flowing nice and strong from all of the snow melting in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Green hills, oak trees and a blue sky made for a perfect backdrop for a delightful day.


There is a wonderful covered bridge in the town and you can read more about it HERE. It just so happens to be California’s longest covered bridge.






These buildings are the remains of the old Grist Mill and date back to the mid 1800’s.


IMG_3217 Where is Duhgall this entire time? Why, here he is – do you see him? …..Time to go home, little buddy…….time to hit the trail back home.


Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

What a beautiful day, Becky. Friends, Fun & Finds! I am originally from Southern California....and lived in Thousand Oaks for many years too! The weather looked lovely!

Tanya said...

Looks like a perfectly wonderful day.

trish said...

Your pictures are beautiful. What a nice day that must have been!
Sincerely ~ Tricia

Anonymous said...

What a joyous day for you and I had no idea there were ever any covered bridges in California. I learn something new every day.


Janet said...

Oh Becky, that certainly looks like a fun way to spend a sunny California day!

marie said...

Such a wonderful day ~ and what great photos too! Looks like the perfect setting for a faire!
You know, I don't think I've ever been on a covered bridge! I need to add that to my list of things to do...maybe I can find one in Maryland.

I see you're wearing one of your cute summer blouses and that bag you're carrying....did you make that too? I love it!

clairz said...

Beautiful day, beautiful stuff for sale. Makes me wonder if I might get tired (gasp!) of all the southwest-themed stuff we always seem to have at the markets here in New Mexico.

Debby said...

Looks like a perfect day. Great treasures to choose from. Scenery wonderful as well. That's a long bridge. I want one of those vintage chairs. I used to sit in one like that all the time on my Grammy's porch. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

What a fun day! I wish we had stuff like that going on around here. Can't wait to see what you hauled home. :)


word verification.... wishdurd
te he he he

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Becky,
I love Knights Ferry we had a friend get married on the bridge she walked the long bridge to her groom.
It was a lovely weekend and you guys made the best of it and had a great time! We just packed and packed and cleaned (I'm pooped!) Two more weeks to go until we move. I think we need a garage sale!.
I will have to keep my eyes open for the next out door sale at Knights Ferry, I do love the drive, Gary and I drove our dune buggy out to Knights once and really enjoyed the ride.
We are having rain today in the Bay Area, I hope it's not to bad at home.
Hugs, Elizabeth

Jocelyn said...

What a beautiful day! The pictures are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing


chasity said...

that looks like a great shopping trip...so much eye candy!

and that bridge...sigh...so dreamy.

Pondside said...

What a great day - my favorite way to spend a sunny afternoon.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

WOW! How fabulous! Looks like what I consider the perfect day! ♥

Signs and Salvage said...

It looks like you had a wonderful day!! It took me a while to figure out where that is...You know...I have lived my whole life in California and never once have I been in that area:) It must have been the PERFECT Faire weekend...we wre in Petaluma for their wonderful Spring Faire:) Have a beautiful week!!


Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

I enjoyed seeing your beautiful day. Love all those vintage goodies and many I would have wanted to take home.

Great post.


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

That looks like it was the perfect day! Shopping, eating, walking...beautiful scenery. Sigh....

Rochelle said...

Thanks for sharing your day with us Becky. Oh how I wish Canada had the kind of antique faires, stores, etc. that the states do....I have to dream through you!
Have a great day!

Sewn With Grace said...

Looks like a wonderful day to stroll and some wonderful finds to bring home. Heavenly!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What a fantastic day - I wish I had been with you.

I have the perfect window - now I'm looking for a Scottie stencil......

Vee said...

It does look like the perfect day for a fair and the fair's setting itself is so quaint and charming. If I were to guess, prior to this post, whether California had covered bridges, I'd have guessed no. What a lovely one!

Duke said...

What a fun shopping trip!
We need to show dad the pictures of the covered bridge! He will love them!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh, I love a covered bridge! How romantic. Of course I'm thinking of "The Bridges Of Madison County." I bought a little Scottie cookie cutter last time I was at the antique mall. Had to think of you!

Sinta Renee said...

What a fun day! The booths looked so cute, love the vintage items! I had lived in Twain Harte for a while... that area looked familiar.

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky! Oh, what fun you must have had! I can tell little Fiona was looking for something she could take home! What a love area too! What did you buy?
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Connie said...

What fun you must have had. How I would have enjoyed a day like that.

Anonymous said...

Oh I see so many things I would have loved to purchase:) But, wait I just got rid of a bunch of stuff...never mind...LOL!


Claudia said...

Looks like a wonderful day, Becky!


Donna, The Decorated House said...

Hello Becky~
What a beautiful location for a faire!

Just catching up, and I so enjoyed the mountains and waterfall, too.

The picture of your mom is so precious. Truly a treasure of the heart.

Elyse said...

hi becky,

looks like you and the posse had a great time. i love seeing the outdoor tables covered in pretty floral fabrics. sigh ...

thanks for sharing all of the lovely views.


The Strawberry Mallard said...

Oh my...a perfect day INDEED!! Now if a certain bloger buddy made her way to NJ, that blogger buddy could

be in NJ for the arrival of the puppy (her GD)and
be able to hit the mother of all flea markets....hmmmmmm

Mimi Sue said...

Looks like so much fun. Makes me miss California though. Mimi

Patina said...

It looks like you had a wonderful day Becky. Many treasures to be found!

I love your cute outfit w/the beautiful top you made too.

SunnySusan said...

Oh my that bridge is wonderful..is is close to where we want to move...
Sonora...ever been there??

Cowboys and Custard Mercantile said...

I just wouldn't know where to put myself in a place like that.. I would want to be everywhere all at once!
Love that bridge.. so evocative and so Madison County.. beautiful.

Love to you and your family and four legged friends.
Michele xx

addie373 said...

What a great day you all had. I wish I could have tagged along. Oh my! what cute scottie treasures. Every time I see a little scottie now I think of you.
And I love the covered bridge photo. It reminds of "Bridges of Madison County" I loved the book but not so much the movie.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your day! Hubby takes great pics too.


fiberdoodles said...

Oh what a fun day! I would need a shopping cart though ;) Oh and what a really cute bag you are toting! Thank you for sharing your day with us :0)

Barb said...

Becky, thanks for sharing your wonderful day with us. So nice!!

Barb ♥

FHCS said...

Love your pictures...now I'm itchin to get out to a craft fair, or antiques show! The covered bridge is a beauty too, thanks for sharing.
Dee Farmhousecountrystyle.blogspot.com

Simple Home said...

I loved all of your wonderful photos. I've been quite a few places here in California, but I've never seen that bridge.

Heidi Ann said...

Your photos make it look so wonderful - I SO wish I had gone! I believe we went the very first year, and haven't been since.
Even if I couldn't afford to spend much money, I believe I would have enjoyed the day spent looking. And, just think, if I had been there- perhaps I could have met YOU!!
Okay - now I'm even more bummed that I wasn't there.......

Dawn said...

Sorry I missed that one. Lots of nice things. They got lucky with this weather we've been having! You look so cute and springy in you peasant top and cuffed jeans!

tara said...

What a fun day, and my goodness so many great treasures, the scenery is spectacular...so serene and beautiful. I am glad you had a great time...oh and yes of course you can have cookies for breakfast!

The Cottage Girl said...

The pictures are great and make me wish I was there. thank you so much for sharing!!!

Imagery by Kimberly said...

Hi Beckers!

I've been out of town and I wanted to catch up with you before I start unpacking...

What a wonderful day that you captured SO beautifully!!! Gorgeous photos - dreamy as can be. I'm so glad you had such a nice time!!!

I love you much much much!!!!


Betty said...

Becky! I've been catching up with you. How far is this place from Modesto? It looks like a wonderful drive for me and the hubby. That bridge is awesome. I've only seen one other covered bridge in CA and it is up in Paradise which is north of Chico.
Have a wonderful weekend. We will be house hunting!!