Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Moonshine & The Winner Is…..

Well, there hasn’t been a lot of sunshine these days, but boy howdy, the moon sure gave us a dose of bright light last night! Mr. Sweet Cottage Dreams snapped these at the stroke of midnight last night. I just had to share with y’all the beauty up in the sky. Hey, is that a witches broom I see flying by? Naw, just me sweeping the porch. Besides, Halloween is many moons away.IMG_2849

IMG_2885 Now I am just thrilled as can be to announce the winner of my giveaway!

Drum rolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll…..

Miss Happy Cottage Quilter

is the winner of C. Dianne Zweig’s Hot Kitchen and Home Collectibles book! Congratulations!

Thank you to all who were sweet as pie to enter the giveaway and for visiting Dianne's blog. You are the best! Yes indeedy - the very best!



Beautiful photos. The moon can be tricky to capture. Well done ! Great post as ever

Rebecca Nelson said...

Well Drats! Ok...congrats to the LUCKY winner.

How fun! Loved the moon pics. Sorta scary...:(

Love to you~Rebecca

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

WOW~~What beautiful pictures! I'm so exciting for the winner of your giveaway.Have a happy day, looks like rain for us here in Corona. Just when I was getting ready to plant some flowers for spring.

Jocelyn said...

Oh my goodness Becky, I am blown away! Thank you SO much!

becky up the hill said...

Moon-Shine~! That is the sweetest. Tell your sweetie that he did a great job. Hugs my friend.

Lynn said...

Congratulations to Miss Happy Cottage Quilter!

Sinta Renee said...

Oh my! Happy Cottage Quilter- you are a lucky girl today! Congratulations! Two wins in one day!!!

~Tonja~ said...

Congrats to the winner...cool moon pic...
Have a Blessed day...
Sweet Blessings...

marie said...

Love the photos and congratulations to the very lucky winner!!

Have a wonderful day Becky!

Kathleen Grace said...

It was a beautiful moon last night, very bright, I had a hard time getting to sleep because of the light! Congrats to the lucky winner.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Congrats to the lucky winner - love the moon shots!!

Anonymous said...

*hears coyotes howling in the background*

The Blue Ridge Gal
(great shots!)

Vee said...

Wowzer! What lovely moon photos. I'll never post another one of my measly attempts again. Ha! Congrats to your winner!!

Susan Freeman said...

I love your moon shots. When I was a little girl I used to try to follow the moon beams coming through the windows of our house. I would drag my favorite blankie behind me and try to sleep in the moonbeam. I love to see the full moon. So beautiful! Thank you for posting your pics!

Susan and Bentley

The Strawberry Mallard said...

Talk about a phot op!
GORGEOUS ~ Thank Mr. SCD for us angel!!
Didja hear Gussy Dog howlin' last night? AAAAAAAAAAAAROOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!L, NEBS & G'Dog

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

Wow, What great pictures! How did he get those shots? I've never been able to get a good pix of the moon. Great job to Mr. Sweet Cottage Dreams!
Patricia :o)

PS Congratulations to Happy Cottage Quilter for winning the giveaway.

Julie said...

Oh...My....Goodness. Awesomely beautiful photos. What an awesome camera the Mr. must have. We are getting snow snow tonight. sigh.
Thanks for offering the sweet giveaway. Congrats to Happy Cottage Quilter.

Elsie said...

Oh my goodness beautiful pics Becky.
Congratulations to the winner.

myletterstoemily said...

gorgeous moon photos.

thank you for sharing.


Thimbleanna said...

Wow Becky -- those moon shots are just gorgeous!

Miss Jean said...

Mr. B is getting to be quite the photographer!

Mimi Sue said...

Beautiful pictures. Mimi

Duke said...

Congratulations to Happy Cottage Quilter!
The full moon shots are just spectacular!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lululiz said...

Stunning photographs!

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

having visited the moon ourselves the wolf pack loves these lunar pics!

Elyse said...

cool photos! {very dracula! LOL}

congrats to your lucky winner. :)


Unknown said...

Incredible pictures of the moon!

Congrats to Miss Happy Quilter. And thanks for popping my blog and leaving such sweet comments! :)

Have an Awesome day!

Claudia said...

I have often tried to capture the moon in a photo and been unsuccessful. Your husband did a great job - gorgeous! Congratulations to the winner!


Anonymous said...

Duh! I just signed up for the give away! Hee-hee!

Marcy said...

Hey there ... :) Great moon pics, by the way ... I was wondering what trials with Dughall, if any, you had when you brought Fiona home. I so badly want another Scotty, but my husband is afraid Maizie won't like it ... she's nearly 3 and this is her territory. She plays well w/ other dogs, as long as they don't get her toys or get near her food/water bowl.

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

What beautiful pictures of the moon your hubby took! You know Becky I was out there last night about the same time letting Samie out to go potty and the moon here had a huge halo around it! I actually thought of taking a picture of it to! It was amazing! Isn't the moon heavenly, yes heavenly!

Congrates to the winner of your giveaway!


Lisa said...

That picture is absolutly sureal. Spooky cool! I need to show it to my husband, he is photo nut. Have a super weekend Becky! Lisa
PS Thank you so much for the kind words you left for me.

Anonymous said...

What striking pictures. When I photograph the moon it always comes out blurry.



Kathy Sue said...

These pictures Barry took are beautiful... I love those!!! It has rained so much here in Texas I am not sure we still have a moon.(: Love you, Kathy Sue

Kathy Sue said...

I love these pictures Barry took. We have not seen the moon in Texas in awhile with all this rain.It is just beautiful. He needs to send these to someone to put in something!!! Does that sound right?(: Love Kathy Sue