Saturday, January 9, 2010

What do dogs do when you aren’t looking?

fiona in chair

Well, they jump up in the granny chair….

doogie watching tv

..and assume the position on the couch, WITH total control of the remote!

fiona next to chair

fiona 12 09

Teaches me to turn my back on them whilst de-junking the house! Dejunking? Fiona asks if that is such a word? I tell her yes…it means going through every closet, drawer, cabinet and attic and getting rid of things I don’t need. A daunting task, but kind of liberating. Not bra burning liberating, but almost! Back to the grind……..


  1. What a darling Post, I hope you were ok through the Holiday Season, for some reason it always stirs up thoughts of love ones we miss. Just thinking of you and praying for more strength this year. Hugs, Diane

  2. I'm on a dejunking rampage too. It feels so good this time of year to get things a little more bare bones. I also feel some decorating changes coming and I need to get rid of some things I know I won't be using anymore. Then I can be ready for garage sale season in spring right?

  3. I am doing the same thing here, but it is not going to be an overnight project. It is going to take a while, but that will give me something to do during this cold weather. Your dogs are so adorable!!! Have a wonderful day. Love & blessings from NC!


  5. Your Scotties are ADORABLE (and sneaky). Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Our dogs sleep and sleep and sleep. Not sure if it's this winter weather or what, but they'd sleep ALL DAY if I didn't give them a poke on the head every now and then. LOL

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  7. I am trying to dejunk the Christmas stuff!! I keep putting it off, I love the lights!! Maybe I should just string them on the walls!!

    Have fun dejunking (is that a word?)


  8. Reminds me of our dog...against the "rules", she would get up on the sofa when we were away, but always acted innocent when we came in...but there was a warm spot where she had been lying in comfort!

  9. Aren't doggies wonderful! What soulful eyes - gets you everytime. Dogs know I am a sucker. I spent one whole day just cleaning and taking decorations down in ONE room! Still have three to go. I don't move as quickly as I use to.


    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  10. Love the doggies! Give them a big hug for me. I need to dejunk too!
    Thinking of you.

  11. Hey, girlfriend! When you get done with your house come on over here and help me! I've done it before and it feels good to get rid of stuff and "clear the decks".

    Was Doogs watching the Dog Whisperer?

  12. DejUNKING is a word!!! for us gals anyway! lol.

    Your post is so cute and your babies are cute, cute, cute!

  13. Come up for air every now and again! This is such a cute most pets, yours seem to rule the roost.

  14. Hi Becky,
    My "boys" when I'm not paying attention to them, sleep on the "good sofa", find a waste basket to dig into or stand at the door to out outside..or whatever else they want TOO!!!
    I should be de-junking....just not ready to! LOL
    Happy Weekend.
    Deb :)

  15. Mom loves to de-junk too but she can only de-junk HER stuff! If she tosses anything that belongs to dad, she's in deep doodoo!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  16. My husband and I always thought it would be so much fun to set up a camera and film them while we are away. We used to try to sneak up to the window and peer in. They were usually sleeping!


  17. I love your little babies. They are so good when you aren't looking. Totally trustworthy.

    I've been dejunking myself. I started with the master bedroom closet. I can't tell you how many golf shirts I put in the donation bags!

  18. I often wonder what my crew does when I'm gone. I'm sure it is somthing simular!

  19. But of course they're going to jump on your favorite places to rest. After all, they're people, too!
    Patricia :o)

    Ps: I need to de-junk a little, too. But it can wait...

  20. Your doggies are so adorable! As for dejunking, I started on my laundry room a couple of days ago
    but freeze up when I see all that needs to be done. Must persevere!
    (I say I 'started' - this does not mean I did anything. LOL!)
    tomorrow. maybe. Right now I think the dogs have the right idea... naps!

  21. This is so cute. I love the part about the remote! De-junking yes a grand idea I should give my house another go through too.

  22. Hi Becky
    I need to do some dejunking too! I keep putting it off though!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  23. I'm loving the vintage sepia tint on yer photos. Fi looks booteefull in that chair. Gonna get HER to try ME in sepia.
    sniffies to Doogs n Fi,

  24. Cute photos! I'm dejunking this year too....feels good!!

    Hope your New Year is great so far!

  25. Oh girlfriend, your doggy kids are so cute! I love those what is covering (window treatment) the French doors, simple and very classy. Where did that come from?!

  26. Your dogs are so cute! I am sure it hard to make them move with those faces...

  27. I so need to dejunk. It's on my list for next week. Mimi

  28. de-junking??! Tell Miss Fiona, yes indeedy, it IS a word (in our world of junk collecting anyway, right??!)

    Oh, and I think it IS Bra-burning liberating, my friend! Keep it up girlie ~ you'll be completely de-junked in no time, but wait, you don't wanna do THAT, right??!! :)

    Happy New Year Miss Beckers! xoxoxo P

  29. Cleaning out is a New Year type of thing. She'll get it eventually. When she does, she'd better put away her remote control first!

  30. Exactly! This is what dog were made to do, steal the best chair, once you have warmed it up of course and then take up as much of the couch as possible so you end up sitting on the floor! Good luck with the dejunking, I must try that one day..? Jane xxx

  31. Just wanted to let you know, I have so enjoyed reading your blog for a while now. I don't usually leave comments but wanted to share that I wish you a joyous, healthy and prosperous 2010. Your blog brings me joy and I in turn hope you receive that in abundance this year.

  32. LOL....I remember one of our dogs years ago was not allowed on the furniture. Every night after we went to bed he would jump up on the couch. If I had to come downstairs in the middle of the night, I could hear him jump OFF the couch. I would then turn the light on and he would be standing in front of the couch looking at me as if to say "what? I wasn't on the couch!". lol
    p.s. I will be ready to start your birdhouse next week!! I am looking forward to it. I will email you and we can confirm the colors again.

  33. Ah, the poochies are so naughty. Silly me, I thought my darling doggies was doing his shaking his fur onto my favorite spot on the couch while doing his stretching.
    I missed my yearly "dejunking" last year, so will be early with it this year.

  34. Such sweet faces - tomorrow starts our liberation - it either get thrown out, put on Etsy, Ebay or Amazon or ready for the Memorial Day Flea Market - I've got to downsize.

    Viva la Rocky Creek!!

  35. I have always thought of setting up the video.Then I think maybe I don't want to know:)

  36. I'd be in line for the bra burning! No telling what my two do. They're mischievous characters.

  37. my 'statue scotties' are still under my Christmas tree...i've been procrastinating putting away the decorations but I guess tomorrow's the day :)

  38. Too bad you can't get those adorable dogs to help you with all the cleaning. I envy your big clean-up -- I hope it goes well!

  39. Is your white dog a westie or white scotty? He sure is a cutie....I have a westie and spoil him rotten. I want a scotty to go with him....but can't convince my husband that. I love your blog and such great pics. Your on my list now.....thanks

  40. They are adorable, even when we are not looking! Jackie

  41. Are you still grinding and purging? I should be doing the same!

    Are Doogs and Fiona watching the Animal Planet? They definitely don't look like their helping you with the clean out ;-)

  42. It's been so cold here Daisy has been sleeping in my Grammy chair at night. Thanks for sharing the antics. They are always so cute.
    Have a Blessed Week,

  43. Oh my!. Could I ever do some dejunking here, but I would need to call in the pro's, like the Clean House Crew from the style
    Love your Scotties, so cute!!!

  44. Stumbled on to your blog through Kim at Dear Daisy Cottage...I love your style (as hers). I decorate in so many ways using the same things you do. You have inspired me with so MANY ideas. I can't wait for the flea markets and summer tags sales...first we must lose out 2 feet of snow and things need to warm up a bit...ok, warm up ALOT! I love having a "sister" who shares the passion of home and family as I do. As I read through your heart (and Prayers to your family). I can't imagine...having lost a sister not long ago to Mirca (a staff infection)I cannot know the sadness of lossing a child..I admire your endurance and faith. You give me hope and encouragement. I have learned the pain never goes away, but with time it is easier to bear. With God at our side we can move forward to brighter days ahead. Thank you for sharing your home, your thoughts, your ideas and your life. Blessings, D.
    (It's nice to see someone else who enjoys decorating with red/black and white, and POLKA-DOTS and pinecones, and pixie elves, you've got the idea...I just can't wait to see what spring brings to your sweet cottage dreams.....)

  45. I dejunk ~ You dejunk ~ He, she , it dejunks,
    We dejunk, they dejunk, now everybody DEJUNK!!!!

    We are right therr along side of you Miss Becky ~ binge on the funky sweater, PURGE the funky sweater!
    GoodWill here we come ~
    Love ya!
    Big u, NEBS and Gus Gus

  46. Must be the time of year.. I'm cleaning closets too. I do enjoy the end result, but it's such work!

  47. I'm often curious as to what my scotties do when I'm not home...they always look so innocent when I get home...but I don't buy it!


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