Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Comfort and Joy ~ Gratitude ~ A Lil’ Giveaway

P1010188d I just would like to thank each one of you for sharing your hearts ~ and life ~ with me. Each comment left for me, here and at Kim’s, means the world to me. You are all so kind. Each one of you touched my heart ~ and my family’s heart. It’s people like you that make this world a better place to live in. Peace to all of you...in good times and in sad.


See the three little burlap cones above? I am having another little giveaway, so if you’d like to win these, just leave a comment on THIS post and I will pick the winner on Thursday, December 17 at 9PM Pacific Standard Time.

I’d like to say congrats to Jolie Anne for winning the giveaway over at Kim’s.

And thank you, Kim, for having me as your guest!!!


These two little angel faces aren’t part of the giveaway, but aren’t they just cute? Just thought I’d share this photo of them…


…as well as this beautiful photo of the sky. I took this the other day and loved the way the rays of light shined through the clouds.

P1010046a Can you see Heaven? And speaking of Heaven, I would like to share this beautiful poem that Anne and Leigh shared with me over at Kim’s. It just made me cry….

"I'm Spending Christmas with Jesus this Year"

I see the countless Christmas trees
around the world below
with tiny lights like heaven stars
reflecting on the snow

The sight is so spectacular
Please wipe away that that tear
For I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year

I hear the many Christmas songs
That people hold so dear
O', the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.

For I have no words to tell you
of the joy their voices bring
for it's beyond description
to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart.
but, through our memories so dear..
We're never far apart.

I can't tell you of the splendor
or the peace here in this place
Can you just imagine Christmas
with Our Savior.......face-to-face.

I'll ask him to light your spirit
As I tell him of your Love.
Then I'll pray for 'One another'
As you lift your eyes above.

So please let your heart be joyful
and let your spirit sing
for I'm spending Christmas in heaven
and I'm walking with the king.


P1010048c P1010049b

I have been so blessed the past few weeks and would like to share with you some of the lovely handmade items that I have won. Above is an apron that was made by the sweet Abbie ~ isn’t it just perfect for Christmas? She also tucked in a wonderful smelling fresh balsam sachet and these little German stars that she made from old sheet music. Abbie not only shares with us how to make things on her blog, but she also is generous with her free graphics for us to copy and paste. Thank you, Abbie!!! I love everything!


The second beautiful blessing is this MERRY CHRISTMAS pillow that I won from Rebecca at A Gathering Place!!


I have been a fan of her handmade pillows and painted goodies for years and cannot believe that I actually won this lovely pillow! Infact, years ago Rebecca had made a similar pillow and had it for auction on eBay. I had bid on it, but didn’t win. ..sad face...

P1010056c1 Look at the perfect stitches!

P1010060a Every detail is precious!

P1010061a ….and it is the perfect touch on our guest room bed!

Thank you so much, Rebecca!

I love it!



  1. Oh, Becky! The poem is just beautiful. That was so wonderful that she sent it your way. Doogs and Fi look so cute sitting there. How do you get them to sit still and look at the camera? They need to teach Miss Maggie so photo manners.

    I am so glad that you won the pillow. It's just perfect for your guest room.


  2. What a beautiful pillow, Becky! Your house is so special. I miss my dad a lot at this time of year. Wish he could've met my kids - he would've been the best grandpa to them. I am reassured by the promise that Jesus gives. We will someday spend Christmas together again. I can't wait. It will be too wonderful that words cannot describe. Thank you Lord!!! Merry Christmas! You are in my prayers. - Ann

  3. Oh fun! A Christmas giveaway. Thank you SO much for having one. :) Those are SO pretty and adorable! Everything you make has a special touch and turns out simply charming.

    Also, that Christmas poem has beautiful words that I know must really speak to your heart. I so admire the strength you show. <3

    AND!! I received the Daily Bread Pillow! I was super happy and excited. It is perfect! And I was happily surprised to find the fun vintage tags too. I went to work right away incorporating them into my holiday decor, lol. You had every detail taken care of, it was packaged perfectly too. Thank you. I know it will make such a good gift for my Mom.

  4. Love those cones! Sign me up! Thanks for your inspiring blog!

  5. Becky, This poem was beautiful! Thank-u for sharing. Hope you have a great day! Blessings, Faye

  6. Hello sweet Becky,

    You get back what you put out there and you, my dear, are a loving, giving person. Everyone loves you and wants to be there for you.

    Your dogs are too cute for words and I love your beautiful giveaway presents. Wonderful!

    I'd love to be counted in on this wonderful giveaway.


  7. Wonderful that you won these oh so lovely gifts. I love the clouds~yes Heaven..only it's going to so much more, that is a sweet peek!

  8. Oh Becky that was just beautiful, thank you for sharing it with us...I haven't felt the Christmas spirit at all this year, I have been missing my loved ones too much...but this has made me realize how even though missing them hurts so much, I should be happy that they are in such a special place...Thank you, because...I know you and so many others know that same saddness. Now I just wanted to say that your winnings are just beautiful! You deserve each and everyone :) Besos, Rose

  9. Hi, Becky, I'm so sorry for your loss & read your post over at Kim's (who is a special friend of mine too!). I too have been to Daisy Cottage and got to meet Kim & Maggie and just love them to pieces, so I know how special you must be too, to be a friend of Kim's. I hope that you find some joy this Christmas in spite of your loss. Hugs!

  10. Congratulations to Jolie Anne for winning your giveaway & Thank you for having another one :-) Your burlap cones are gorgeous Becky.

  11. I don't know where to start because everything is so lovely.
    The cones are adorable, your doggies are adorable and that pillow is to-die-for. Oh, how I would love to have it.
    Have a wonderful week.

  12. What a beautiful poem. I Wish Doogs and Fi were part of the giveaway! They are so adorable.

    I love those burlap cones.

  13. Blessings sweet friend! I'm glad you one.

    God give us the desires of our hearts according to His riches in Glory.

    Love to you~


  14. Your burlap cones are just beautiful, and the photo at the top should be published somewhere!

    I went back to Kim's site yesterday so I could read all the comments. I knew they would be wonderful. I had to read your post again too. The poem is so beautiful. I have an older friend who just lost her husband today and I will be making a copy for her!

    Whew! I'm so glad you aren't including Dhugall and Fiona in the giveaway, because I would just cry if I wasn't the winner then! As if you would!

    The apron and pillow are both just beautiful. I'm so glad YOU won both of them.

    The beautiful sky and sunlight photos~just like what I wrote on my blog this morning! "Glories stream from heaven on high."

    Back to wrapping.

  15. What a beautiful poem. Christmas is hard for me since my mother died. Thank you so much for sharing. Please enter my name in your drawing. Thanks.


  16. Love your blog, you're an inspiration!

  17. The poem is beautiful and I can see why it brought tears to your eyes. The Christmas pillow you won is also beautiful!

    I love the burlap cones!


  18. Wow, such precious gifts, they are wonderful! I also love the poem. Thank you for sharing it. Merry Christmas to you and Thanks for a fun giveaway!

  19. You have the cutest pups ~ they always make me smile.
    And that poem makes me smile too ~ with tear-filled, glistening eyes! Imagine the time they're having celebrating Christmas in heaven! I have a son celebrating with the King too! Just imagine.....

  20. The poem is so beautiful. My sister-in-law passed away just before Thanksgiving and I was missing her so badly today. Thanks so much.

  21. such a beautiful poem, I'm sure many will find comfort in it's words! Love the simple elegance of the cones...please count me in!

  22. The Merry Christmas pillow is beautiful! Just love it! You're a very special lady, Becky! It's sweet of you to have a give-a-way but are you sure we can't win one of those little angels (doggies)? Black and White - how cute together.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  23. Your pups are so expressive and cute! Someday when we no longer have BIG dogs I plan to have a couple of little dogs that can sit next to me on the sofa... when I'm old, that is... *giggles*

    Would love to win those burlap cones and hang them on my monkey Christmas tree!

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  24. Your Scotties are so cute! I would love to be entered in the giveaway of those lovely burlap cones. Enjoyed your guest post at Daisy Cottage. God bless you this Christmas season!
    Love from Rachel at A Cupcake for Moose

  25. I'd be happy to take one of those sweet Scotties off your hands.


  26. love your blog!! You are such a sweet and STRONG lady!!! Happy Holidays to you and your family!!

  27. What a beautiful poem. When I'm a little down, I always look at your posts and am given strength. Thank you.
    Peace be with you.

    Count me in on the give away.

  28. A very heartwarming post... I can feel that lump in my throat.
    May God bless you and yours this season.

  29. The poem is soooo beautiful!! Please enter my name in the giveaway:) Elma elma2179@yahoo.com

  30. The poem brought tears to my eyes, too. What pretty prizes you have won...thanks for showing them to us. I, for one, don't think you need to thank us or have a giveaway for the words we have said to you.......I'd think anyone would have spoken the same kinds of words. Your year has been a very difficult one and I can't imagine anyone not caring enough to try to speak words that would be of comfort. (Of course, if I won one of your lovely cones, I would treasure it.) May this season be one of peace for you and your family.

  31. What a beautiful post. Love your little Angels, the clouds are truly Heaven to look at. What wonderful gifts for a wonderful lady. I would love to win your give-away!!!

  32. Hello Becky...I agree with Miss Jean...the puppies are beautiful and need to give a tutorial on sitting for photos to K & F also. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway... then maybe my house will look like yours!

  33. what beautiful words on a difficult day.

  34. What beautiful sky photos and what a wonderful poem!

  35. Hi Becky, I cried so hard reading the poem that I could hardly see my comp, it is a beautiful poem but so hard to think about, you are such a sweet and strong person and I just wanted to let you know I think about you and your family all the time.
    That pillow is beautiful and it looks perfect in the guest bedroom, it was meant to be yours!

  36. Oh! Count me in! The little pillow that you got is just so lovely. Thank you for sharing your home and heart with us! :)


  37. Hi Becky
    The prizes you wona re delightful and I love the pillow with Merry Christmas. Thanks for having a giveawy. I would love to own those cones.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  38. Hi Becky,
    I feel blogging has given me blessings:) It's amazing how God can work thru a computer!!
    The pillow that you won is very lovely.
    I have read that poem before...it's very touching.
    I would love to win your giveaway and thank you for having one!
    Little Fio is a big girl now.
    Merry Christmas.
    Deb :)

  39. Love to see those sweet doggie faces! I love your cones. You are so talented and I just cannot imagine where you come up with all your ideas!

  40. Hello Becky, I have just recently found your blog and look forward to your posts. You are such a strong and amazing lady, and are a true inspiration to all.

    The poem was absolutely beautiful. It was hard for me to hold back the tears.

    Please include me in your drawing for your lovely burlap cones. It sure is a shame that your two adorable Scotties are not part of the giveaway. I would sure love to win me two Scotties!

    Thanks for sharing and for your generosity.

    Blessings, ans Hugs

  41. Hello Becky, I have just recently found your blog and look forward to your posts. You are such a strong and amazing lady, and are a true inspiration to all.

    The poem was absolutely beautiful. It was hard for me to hold back the tears.

    Please include me in your drawing for your lovely burlap cones. It sure is a shame that your two adorable Scotties are not part of the giveaway. I would sure love to win me two Scotties!

    Thanks for sharing and for your generosity.

    Blessings, ans Hugs

  42. The cones are just so precious! Burlap and lace. Perfect. And the puppies are adorable. They look so much alike. I remember seeing pictures of Fiona when she looked like a little bear!!

    Your giveaway wins are fantastic! Lucky you!

    Happy holidays, Becky! :-)


  43. Becky, I love the poem. Your fur babies are too cute. My cats give me such comfort these days. They love me unconditionally.
    You have won some wonderful gifts. The apron is adorable and the pillow is beautiful! So glad you won the giveaways.
    I love burlap cones.
    Blessings and HUGS

  44. Becky~ That is a beautiful poem,I
    had read it on Kim's blog,but I
    still had to read it again. Whine,whine you sure Doogs & Fiona
    are not in the giveaway..they are
    sooo cUte..Please count me in on
    the giveaway..:O)

  45. You lucky girl, you have won some really fun prizes! I have only ever one something once, from a fabric blog, she was going to send me an apron, but she never did.

    I love the little burlap cones, they are beyond darling!

    I have an ornament on my tree that is a clear glass ball with a single feather in it, my cousin gave it to me after Lucey died, someone had given one to her after her daugher died and I love it so much. The ornament was accompanied by that poem, so I understand why you love it.

  46. What a beautiful poem, so great of her to share that with you. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. Those cones are just so sweet! Love the doggie photo too, they look like they are waiting for a treat.

  47. Oh my Becky, you have made the most beautiful little cones. I sure would love to win those little doggie faces too.
    That pillow looks just beautiful in your guestroom. I love Rebecca's pillows.

  48. Beautiful things and amazing photos. That poem made me cry. Thanks for sharing and Happy Holidays!

  49. Dear Becky, what a beautiful poem. I was trying to read it to my husband and could hardly finish it. I am in tears, it is so wonderful and true. Can you just imagine spending Christmas in Heaven? Thank you for sharing the poem with us. sandi

  50. WOW, The poem is so beautiful...
    Could I also copy it?
    I lost a granddaughter just after Christmas last year, so this will be the first Christmas without her..She was 11, and we miss her so much...

  51. Becky, such pretty things...
    love all the pics...especially those special puppies, they make me smile!
    that pillow is gorgeous!

    thanks ahead for offering the nice giveaway...

    The poem touched me...it's been a tough week losing my uncle and that helped so much :)

  52. LOVE the burlap cones! I handmade my ornaments out of yarn, and they would look PERFECT with them!


  53. Beautiful poem. Brought tears to my eyes. A comfort in times like these. Beautiful pillow. Mimi

  54. Thanks for the nice giveaway - please count me in :)

  55. That poem is a real Christmas gift - I'm sure I'm not the only one copying it to read again and again.
    Rosie, my little Cairn, could learn a thing or two from your cuties about posing for a photo!

  56. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww are ya sure that those furbabies aren't part of the giveaway??? LOL
    Ty as always for bringing such joy to everyone's day Miss Becky ~ We love you!xoxoxo
    NEBS & Angus ~ aaarroooooo

  57. Hi Becky, everything looks so pretty on your blog, your baby dogs are just the dearest too! I think you were the perfect person to have won the pillow too! It looks lovely on your guest bed! Merry Christmas blessings to you! Suzie

  58. I was glad to see you over at Daisy's. I think of you often.

    Your won items are lovely !

    Please enter me in your giveaway.

    Kristen Smith

  59. Thank you for sharing that beautiful and meaningful poem...Christmas in Heaven is beyond belief...the beauty and the wonder!

    Hugs, Carrie

  60. What a beautiful poem and pictures. I'm sending the poem on to a SIL that lost her husband in the hope that it will give her some peace. Thank you.

  61. Becky, the poem is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. I know of some others who are missing loved ones this Christmas and I will now be able to share it with them. The gifts you have won are lovely! It is always such fun to find something in the mail:>)
    You captured some beautiful pictures of the sky. Ever since I was little, any tie I have seen the sun streaming through the clouds it has made me think it is the glory of heaven coming down to earth.

  62. Found you through Kim's blog - so sorry for your loss.

    I too am using lots of burlap this year and your cones are adorable.

    Stop by for a visit when you can!


  63. What a great blog you have. I lurk daily and enjoy very much. Please enter me in your give away. What a wonderful idea to make those cones out of burlap! Lizzie

  64. I've been visiting your blog for a year now, and have cried and laughed with you throughout the year! You have been in my prayers. Thanks especially for your post today, and the very moving poem, which reminds up that life does go on. Your home is beautiful, as are you -- Merry Christmas!

  65. Oh my goodness. People are going to wonder why I'm spending lunch at my desk sniffing... Thank you for sharing this sweet poem. For anyone who has lost a love (regardless of them being parent, spouse, child or friend) have a quick sting of the heart this time of year. The poem reminds us however, of the wonder and glory they already know; one that we can look forward to as Christians.

    Thank you dear little Becky for the many blessings you have extended to us.

    Kay (mama to Gracie, the Bichon)
    No Richland Hills, TX

  66. Well your just so easy to love Becky!

    The photos of the sky are just beautiful - took my breath away actually. That's a NICE camera you got there!

    Sigh... I LURVE and covet (tee hee) your gorgeous Christmas pillow! It is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S! You lucky gal! I hope I'm lucky too because I'd lurve to win the cones.

  67. Thank you for sharing this poem. My dearest friend said good-bye to her father this past Sept. so this will be her first Christmas without him. We are confident he is with Jesus so I would like to share this poem with her. Beautiful giveaway.

  68. So much comfort and joy here. You are a delight...

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    (Hope I win!)

  69. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  70. Thank you Becky,
    you are such an inspiration!
    Love the picture of your precious fur babies! They make me smile!

    Congrads on winning Rebeccas' wonderful pillow! It went to a beautiful home!

    Love your sweet lil cones!
    Have a Merry Christmas
    Hugz, Dolly

  71. What a beautiful and touching poem.

    Your scotties are so so cute, And what adoring eyes looking up. It must be Maw behind the camera.
    Bless you sweet girl!


  72. Becky - how lovely for you! I adore the apron and the sweet little sachet, but those little German stars stole my heart! And that sweet, sweet pillow is to die for! But I still LOVE my sweet summer bunting from your shop! You should sell some of your cones in your Etsy shop - I know I'd buy some! Oooh - and your burlap pennants too! They're both soooo lovely!
    I loved your photos over @ Daisy Cottage. I know Christmas will be difficult for you this year, and probably for years to come - I lost my 16 yr old son to suicide 8 yrs ago, and it's still hard.

    Another mother, Melanie of Bella~Mella blog (http://bellamella-melanie.blogspot.com/) lost her 12 yr old son, Andrew this past Sunday after a battle with cancer. Please pray for her; she's a very special lady.

    God bless you and your family. Leslie Anne

  73. What unique little cones. I love them. Drop my name in the basket. :-) You have won some wonderful gifts from wonderful bloggy sisters!! :-)
    Thanks for doing the same and being so generous.
    Love, love the pups!...and the clouds photo.

  74. Hi Becky...I've read that poem before and it has given me peace.
    Your house is decorated just beautiful for Christmas. I'm in awe of those pictures! Thanks for the giveaway. Please add me to the list. I'd fill those cones up with holly!

  75. Please enter my name in the give a way. Lovely poem, really is the right thought about our loved ones who have passed on.

  76. What a sweet poem! Would love to win the burlap cones---please pick me!! ;-)


  77. Merry Christmas Becky!! Wishing you peace, love and hope.

  78. Beautiful!!! Bless you Becky. I have a give-away for everyone over on my blog, pop over and download it if you'd like! ~ xoxo ~ Violet

  79. Thank you, with all my heart, for sharing this poem. I to have a son with Jesus so you know the comfort the poem gave to me. My son was seventeen months when he left us and it was many years ago but the comfort the poem brought is fresh and a blessing. Your blog is not new to me but this is probably the first time I have commented. Merry Christmas!
    Nancy M.

  80. ciao Bechy, I love your cute dogs, Please come visit my blog http://pinta-pinta.blogspot.com/
    so you can see my little Uto.
    I wish you a Merry Christmas.

  81. What beautiful things you've received! I LOVE the little burlap pretties and your dogs are adorable! Happy holidays!

  82. Oh Becky..the poem is so beautiul but it is faces of your two fir angles that put a smile on this face today.
    I have had you in my thoughts all week...and found your guest blog writing on Kim's site today. You are extraordinary sweetie...
    YOU are a true blessing to all who know you, to all of us who know you through your blog.
    I a thinking of you all, of Jordan, this Christmas.

    Love to you all...

  83. Beautiful poem. Love the burlap cones!

  84. i think i'm too late to win anything except the blessing of seeing those two "little angels" and the goodies you won. congrats!!!!


  86. Oh, what a beautiful post you have. I love the poem. My son wants to know if he can have your puppies?? I hope that your Christmas brings you peace. Thanks for sharing so much with your blog friends.

  87. I have been praying for you since i read your blog for the first time the other day. You are a beam of light and inspiration.
    My family has had a tough year too, and i pray that 2010 will bring a gentle healing to us all.
    Don't worry about the giveaway, i'm in the u.k so the postage would be terrible!

  88. Becky,
    I think I'm making the deadline for the giveaway, I hope so. I LOVE the cones & would love to win. Beautiful poem, made me cry. I seem to be so weepy this time of year anyway. I even cry over some TV commercials! Crazy. Thanks for sharing that. Lisa

  89. Love the poem. I also like all your gifts. Please count me in for your giveaway!

  90. A beautiful poem Becky!
    I hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas!
    Thanks for the visit,

  91. That poem was so lovely and so perfect for all of us who have lost a loved one. Thank you for sharing it. I made some Christmas cones too but I love your idea of using the burlap, how clever! The things you have won are really so lovely, lucky lady!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!