Wednesday, December 9, 2009



I do believe. I believe that I have been blessed by the goodness and graciousness of so many of you this year. It has been a blessing to hear from you through comments and emails. So many of you have shared your hearts, life and feelings with me and I just want to thank you. Know that each one of you mean a great deal to me and I thank you. Thank you for your friendship. I believe that we all share a common thread in life and these threads weave us all together in one way or another.

I believe in you, yes I do. Just know that I think of each one of you each day and pray that life will be kind to you. We all have different things that happen to us in the course of a lifetime, but for me, right now, I am thankful for life and the gifts I have been given. I believe in the goodness of our Heavenly Father and that faith will take us in the direction that we need to be lead.

Peace to you. May you find JOY in the day.



  1. Hi Sweet Becky,
    Aaahhh .. you always bring tears to my eyes, through your heartfelt sweet words .. bless you and yours at this special time, and I pray that you have HIS peace,love, and joy in your heart as well .. you my friend, continue to bless us as well .. Blessings and love to you ~
    hugs ~tea~xo

  2. Lovely post. You have a very warm & generous heart!


  3. Thank you so much for sharing your dear heart tonight. 'I believe' and echo all that you have said here so well.

  4. This is a beautiful post. You've shared your life with us, and been an inspiration in so many ways. I'm sure you'll never realize how many lives YOU'VE touched. Thank you for sharing with us.

  5. Dear Becky...Amen to your post.We all think of you and each hold you and one another in our prayers. Thank goodness you are a believer! Peace and Joy to you and yours this Christmas.

  6. I bought that same star with "Believe" on it. Small world, isn't it? I too am so thankful for my wonderful blog friends. Hope your week is going well. Love & blessings from NC!

  7. I Believe to Sweet Becky! How blessed we are to know the truth! Your friendship means so much to me also, as it does so many that visit your blog! Thanks for always having an open heart and letting us be a part of your life and home!

    Merry Christmas Becky!


  8. Your gracious heart warms my soul. If I say more it will come out all wrong. Just know I love you.

  9. You are so precious, Becky! Thank you for your sweet words to your bloggy friends out here, who love visiting you and being on the receiving end of your wonderful and inspirational words and photos.

    May the Lord give you a wonderfully blessed Christmas this year...I know it will be different, but God is with you always, and will be your comfort and your peace.

    Blessings to you!


  10. Bless you right back! Thanks for putting those thoughts into words.

  11. What a wonderful post!
    Merry Christmas, Miss Becky!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  12. Dear Becky,
    I believe too!
    Thank you for your blog and your hopeful words. God bless you.
    Your words are "landed" in northern Germany, directly in my heart:-)
    But because of that (that I´m German), I can´t express in English, what I feel when I read your words. Have a peace- and joyful christmas

  13. Oh Becky, Your post was beautiful. You are such a blessing to me.Hope you have a great day! Blessings, Faye

  14. XOXO! I love you to pieces, Becky. I'm thankful for YOU! May God give you joy that is rich to your very bones.

  15. What a wonderful post Becky....I Believe too....and I am grateful for getting to be a small part of your life.


  16. Love and peace to you Becky. I believe too. Thank you.

  17. Good Morning Becky,

    Isn't it wonderful to have the sweet affirmation of belief?


  18. I believe you are a huge inspiration to many.....thanks for your kind words....your are so sweet Becky....God bless....

  19. Beautifully written! Bless you and your family during this holiday season. I know it will different for you as it will be for me. We both have lost someone so precious in our lives. Believe is the word that gets me thru many days. Thanks for sharing.
    Blessings and Big Hugs

  20. You are a sweetie! Hugs and blessings to you!

  21. I believe, too, sweet Becky. Bless you and your family this Holiday season. I am so grateful for you and all my blogging friends. What a blessing you are.


  22. So sweet, you are....always. Thanks for your kindness all year long.

  23. Becky, my hope is peace for you and your family this Christmas.. I always keep you in my prayers.

  24. Hi Becky
    Just read your post over at Kims! Your home looks beautiful all dressed for the Holidays. Thank you for sharing your story ♥

  25. Hi Becky,
    What a beautiful guest post you did at Kim's blog. You truly inspire me to be a better person. I miss chatting with you, maybe we can talk again soon.

    Luv u,

  26. Hi Becky
    I just read your post at diasy Cottage. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I can't imagine how difficult this time of year must be for you. It is so good to know at times like these that you can lean on Jesus and feel his strength and love.
    Your home looks beautiful dressed for Christmas.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  27. What a warm and heartfelt post, sweet Becky! You are loved by many. The One who loves you the most continues to hold you in His loving arms.

    I'm blessed to call you my friend.

  28. Hi Becky,
    I'm so glad that I'm getting to know you. You are so sweet and thank you for sharing yourself and your life with the rest of us.
    God Bless You and your family.

  29. Becky, I am sending you peace and joy this beautiful season....

  30. I don't even know what else to say Becky. There are an awful lot of us thinking of you this year. And those little ornaments are so very special.

  31. Well, thank YOU, beautiful lady! YOU are a joy!!!!!!!!!!

  32. I just love your decorations and your thoughts. Thank you so much for sharing both with us all.

    God's blessings be yours, this Advent Season and always.

    Merry Christmas!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!