Sunday, November 15, 2009

So Long Sweet, Sweet Bonny Jean....

Sweet little Bonny Lass...
Your strong will, loving heart, boundless energy and loyalty will
be missed by all who had the gift to know you.
My dear and sweet friends, Doug and Wave, said their goodbyes to their beloved little 15 1/2 year old Scottie dog, Miss Bonny Jean. Bonny was the matriarch of the home and big sister to Maudie McPhie and Hank. Bonny enjoyed swimming in the canal (with a life vest), long walks, playing fetch and seeking out rats. Every morning she rose at the crack of dawn and stood by the French doors barking for her maw and paw to wake up and feed her. Bonny loved to give kisses and greet visitors at the back gate. But most of all, Bonny was dignified, graceful and a blessing to have known.
Bonny has crossed over the misty Scottish moors and onto the Rainbow Bridge. Her crossing is bitter-sweet because little Bonny passed away on Jordan's birthday. I prayed that she would not go that day - and even asked her not to, but God had bigger and better plans for I know that my Jordy was given the gift of lil' Bonnie Lass that day.
left to right: Bonny, Maudie and Hank
This photo was taken in December 2008 of pretty Bonny. I just LOVE her Scottie profile! You may remember reading about Wave when her beautiful Scottish Cottage was featured as
January 2009's Cottage Of The Month on our friend Jennifer's
Sweet ...
Bonny Lass.
It has been a true HONOR to know you.
I will remember you for always.
For Doug and Wave, God will bring back your Bonny someday....
life is just a blink of an eye. I love you both....


  1. Oh, so very sad. But you are right...her homecoming was one that was greeted by a friend. She's in god hands. You are both in my prayers, sweet friend. May God comfort you.

  2. I am sorry for your friends loss, this was a beautiful post you wrote. Miss Bonny Jean was truly loved. I will keep them in my prayers.

  3. This is such a GOOD post. I know these things are extra difficult. Blessings to you. <3

  4. Oh I feel so sorry for Wave. It is so hard to lose your pets. I hope she enjoys all of the good memories and that wonderful gift God gave her for 15 1/2 yrs. The photos are sweet Becky. How are you doing? I miss you stop in one of these days. sandi

  5. I am sure they are missing her so much and I will keep them in my prayers!

  6. Darlie over at Libby Buttons Blog had to say goodbye to her dog this week-end too. What a sad week-end.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  7. This is sad, I'm so sorry for your friends loss. What a sweet~~sweet post for this beautiful dog.


  8. O what a sweet post and tribute to such a sweet girl. I have to believe that all dogs go to heaven too. What a great tribute on Jordy's bday.
    Many Blessings sweet friend.

  9. Oh, Dear One, my heart breaks for you and your friend's loss of precious little Bonny Jean. What a beautiful little lady. I just have to think and believe God lets our cherished animals come to heaven and if He does your dear son is loving on that little fuzzy face today.
    Blessings to you,
    Shelia ;)

  10. I am so sorry to hear about this. Anytime a beloved pet leaves, our hearts break.


  11. Such a sweet post and a sweet little gal. So very sorry for their loss. I can just see her running and playing in big fields of heather. She was much loved in this life and will be loved in the next. Mimi

  12. So sorry to hear about Bonny. What a sweet dog!!! Love & blessings from NC!

  13. Hi Becky,
    AAhhh soo sweet and very sad !! Such a darling baby .. We just lost our puppy love of 13 1/2 years .. she just fell asleep forever .. I'm still soo sad, and it's only been about 5 weeks .. this made me sad .. I'm so happy you got to know this baby, and yes, we know she is waiting in puppy heaven .. God is good my friend ~
    love~n~hugs to you

  14. Hello Becky.
    A sad but beautiful post.
    You are often in my thoughts.
    With love,

  15. I prayed for each of you today ~ thank you for sharing such a sweet post.

  16. GoodSpeed Miss Bonnie Jean~
    What a beautiful friend and companion.
    She and Your wonderful Son will be romping in the beautiful green grass of Heaven.
    Bless you my Dear Blogger Friend.
    My heart is with you tonight,

  17. Hi Becky,
    How very sad is this and the music is just so fitting for Miss Bonny Jeans tribute.
    I know how Doug and Wave are feeling right now. Our family lost "Kona the Dog" when she was 15 years old too. We still miss her and look at her photo every day, Kona is in our hearts, just like Miss Bonny Jean will be in Doug and Wave's.
    Becky you are so sweet to post such a thoughtfull and loving post. Big hugs,

  18. So very sorry to hear about your friends, sweet Bonny Jean.
    I know how terribly hard it is when we lose our beloved pets.
    They are such a big part of the family.

    Sending hugs

  19. We're so sorry to hear about Bonnie Jean. She was a real beauty!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  20. My deepest condolences to your friends Doug and Wave, and to you. Our little animal friends ae showered withour love and they leave a big hole when they are gone.

  21. Dear Becky - I have mourned Bonny Jean since Wave sent me her obituary. But I know she had lot of news to tell your sweet Jordy - what a reunion there was in heaven that day!


  22. that is so sad. it is so hard to loose a pet. she had a noble life--run free sweet girl!

  23. oh Becky, sincerest condolences to Doug & Wave ~ it is never easy to lose our little dawgie pals, is it??

    We lost our Chucky back in September. Thought he had hurt his back and an MRI showed cancer in his spine. I am still crushed and not dealing with it well, as this is actually the first I've written of it. I miss my dawgie boy so terribly, especially after only adopting him 3 short years ago. . . . but I'll get through it, and so will Doug & Wave, and his puppy-siblings. So hard on them, too!

    Keeping all of them in my thoughts & prayers, and maybe Miss Bonnie Jean will keep an eye on my Chuckles up there ~ :) xoxo P

  24. oh, my heart hurts for your loss of Bonny Jean. (((hugs)))

  25. Oh,so sorry for the loss of such a loyal friend and companion...Bonny Jean....this was a beautiful post you did for her...have a blessed week Becky...

  26. Heartbreaking....Your strength and love shine through. You are such an inspiration. Big hugs go out to you and to your friends.
    ♥, Susan

  27. Sometimes we don't even know how well our little furry friends serve until they are gone....I am sorry for you and your friends!


  28. So many pets have been lost in the last few days in my world of blogging. Bring back my Bonnie to me, is such a fitting song for your dear little lass. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I love dogs. I have chihuhuas and pomeranians but my hope is to have a Scotty one day. I fell in love with them years back when I discovered Mary Engelbreits art. Sweet memories to you all. Jordon received a gift.

  29. This is a beautiful tribute to Bonny Jean. I know she will be missed by all who loved her. Blessings, Twyla

  30. I am certain it was no coincidence that your sweet son's birthday fell on the day Bonny Jean left this world. My father's dog died on the same day he did - 10 years later. I look forward to meeting up with all my loved ones and dogs that I've had when Jesus takes me home.

  31. Oh Becky, that is so sad...she wasn't very old...what happened? Dogs are members of our families and it is so difficult when they leave us.

    Thanks for emailing me back the other day. My blog is back up and running under a new alias...

    Love ya,

  32. Thank you, Becky
    Bonny Jean.

  33. What a beautiful post, Becky. My heart is filled with thoughts for you both. I hadn't realized this past weekend was Jordan's birthday. What a beautiful and loving tribute.

    Much love to you always,

  34. Amazing how these sweet furry little creatures help to shape our lives. I'll be sending some prayers your friends way.

  35. This is so sad, but what a beautiful tribute you have given this wonderful dog.....and everything you said is true! They are all waiting for us, all of the animals we have loved and lived with in our lives! Your love of this dog and the friends who had her is so evident.

  36. Oh bless their hearts.
    I am so sorry.

    Bonny Jean was beautiful and I know so very very precious.

    What a loving post from you sweet Becky - as only you can do. Thank you for sharing this beautiful soul with us.

    Love you,

  37. Girlfriend, that was so sweet and such a tribute to Bonny Jean. Some say that pets have no soul.. Those people have never looked into the eyes of a precious dog or cat or LOVEBIRD...... Of course they are now with the Father from whom all life comes from.....

    hugs to you today

  38. You're starting a cry fest here. I just get so upset when a sweet pet passes on. And I'm extra sorry it was on your boy's birthday. I can't imagine how that felt. You are in my heart today!

  39. I'm so sorry. I know it must have been so sad to have happened on Jordan's birthday, but what a wonderful birthday gift for Jordan! You are in my prayers. laurie

  40. Oh Becky, I am so sorry. This made me sad. Such a darling dog, beloved friend and a true family member. Dave and Wave and your family are in my thoughts & prayers.


  41. Oh my..I am so sorry for their loss of Sweet Bonny Jean. We recently said goodbye to our Sweet Hannah dog.

    My heart hurts for you also..take comfort
    all is well.
    prayers and love to you

  42. I'm so sorry for them, I know how hard it is. We had to let our little katie our scottie for 14 years go several years ago and I still miss that little girl!

  43. She is stunning, we just lost one of our four legged friends too.

  44. Hello Becky,
    I am here to give you a bit of good news (although I am sure it is small to say the least at this sad time.) You won my Apron Giveaway that I had on my blog, Down Abbie's Road. I just sent you an email, although it may go to your spam folder as I put 'giveaway winner' in the subject. You can visit my blog here: Down Abbie's Road
    Kindest regards,

  45. Please give your dear friends our hugs and love Becky. I share in their grief as all of us who love dogs do. I an so sorry and wil say a prayer for them. What a beautiful post in her honor...

  46. Hi Becky
    So sorry to hear about your Bonny Jean, but what a lovely birthday present for your Jordie.
    ((hugs)) Rhondi

  47. Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. What a sweet lil' doggie, who will be surely missed and remembered. May God be a comfort to you. Kathi

  48. Bonny Jean was a beautiful dog. I know her family and friends will miss her.

  49. Becky, please give my sympathy to Wave and Doug. I know their hearts ache. It is so hard to say goodbye even when our fur babies have had a long life. What a lovely lass little Bonny was. It sounds like she had the true Scottie spirit through and through. I do picture her in Jordan's arms. And I see our Wink right at his feet.
    Hugs to you!

  50. I am so sorry for you all but you know your Jordon is having fun with Bonnie now....We have lost 2 kittie girls this year and know how hard it is.kath

  51. We lost out little Palmer (9 months ) to a tragic accident this year and our Annie last summer (14 years old)to Cancer - the love they give us is something only someone that loves a dog can understand - it is so unconditional and energetic - I am sorry for your loss but happy you have such photos that make you smile. Jennifer


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!