Friday, September 4, 2009

Shell Fun and Announcing The Winner Of The Magazine

Before I announce the winner of the Victoria Magazine giveaway, let me first share this fun project that I shared with my youngest son's girlfriend, the fabulous MISS K.! She was out here for two weeks - all the way from New Hampshire.
Cindy, at My Romantic Home, first shared the steps in making this super cute shell wreath... I went out and bought all of the items needed to put them together. I had a few extra shells on hand, like the white star fish that I picked up on my trip to Florida in June 2008.
Now they do take several hours to make, but the time flies by quickly and are a lot of fun to put together. Just be careful not to burn yourself with the hot glue!
Miss K. used more browns and pinks and layered shells inside of other shells.
I chose more whites and beige colors with white ribbon.
A fun time shared with Miss K!
It is always a joy to meet new bloggers during giveaways!
Thank you for all who took the time to enter. I always enjoy reading each comment that is left.
The winner of the September/October 2009 Victoria Magazine is

Enjoy your long weekend!
Be safe!


  1. Congrats to the winner. That shell wreath is so beautiful! Have a great holiday weekend. Love & blessings from NC!

  2. Hi Becky,
    What a fun thing to do with your friend..These turned out wonderful and soo California beachy !! What a cool thing to take with her back home !! I made one of these awhile ago, and actually wrapped little Christmas lights in them.. The cord gets hidden in all the shells and it looks soo pretty all lit up.. I also match ribbon from the wreath, and neatly wrap ribbon from the cord with a pretty bow at the end of it, to conceal it.. I hate seeing cords.. Thanks for sharing.. They both turned out beautiful !!! Have a fun holiday week-end !!
    hugs ~tea~

  3. First, congratulations to Anna...lucky girl! And on your shells, they are really beautiful! I think I saw something similar on Shari's blog, as well, at My Cottage of Bliss. It's wonderful that these creative gals share their experitise and ideas with all of us...thanks for sharing yours! Have a wonderful week-end. Mary

  4. It's always so kind and nice to come visit here. Hope your weekend is good as well.

  5. Oh the shell wreaths turned out beautifully. Those big star fish add a lot to the look. Congratulations to the prize winner. Have a good weekend. laurie

  6. Oh I love that magazine...I just got mine yesterday from Wally many preety things this month and YUMMY recipes...May you have a great Labor day weekend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  7. Hey those are darling! Love the brown that Miss K chose. Congrats to Anna.
    Have an awesome long weekend!


  8. The wreaths turned out beautiful!!! I'll bet they were a joy to make...I might try my hand at that sometime. Also, congrats to the winner... how lovely!

  9. Love the shell wreaths. It's amazing how different they both are and yet the same. Mimi

  10. Greetings girl! I love your shell creations...... You have talent...... Hope you have had a peaceful summer. It sure has gone by too fast... I think of you often and pray for you always.......


  11. Your shell wreaths look beautiful!! I was lucky enough to have a very talented niece-in-law who made one for me :)

  12. Lovely wreaths and how nice of you to spend such quality time with Miss K. Congrats to the magazine winner, too.

  13. I love your shell wreath Becky. It's so perfect for a beachy Californian (or Australian) home.

    Where do you buy your shells?


  14. Your wreathes turned out great Becky, where will you hang yours? Have a great Labor Day weekend:>) Have you been doing any sewing?

  15. How beautiful! That would look great in my bathroom in FL! Congrats to the winner, too! You are a sweetheart to share!

  16. who are we kidding...i'm always gonna burn myself with the hot glue gun!

    very pretty wreaths~


  17. Congrats to your winner. A fabulous magazine,indeed. Like your project. Sea Shells have such a surreal feeling to them.I love the ocean but,haven't ever spent much time there....


  18. Congrats to the winner! What a great wreath and love how different they are.

  19. Becky, I haven't tried a project like this in a long time, but you have made this look very tempting! Congratulations to the winner.
    ♥, Susan

  20. Ooooh Thank You! I'm so excited -- as I haven't had a chance to look at the NEW magazine yet.

    Those shell wreaths are so cute. I love how pretty the different versions are -- and isn't it fun to do things with those girls of our boys'?

    XOXO -- Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  21. The wreaths are lovely...I'll have to try my hand at one sometime...


  22. Ohhhhh you are a very very good ambassadors för the blog-sphere.... I love your blog & your pic's!

    Regards from Agneta in Sweden

  23. Beautiful project Becky. Good bonding time for you and Miss K. I bet. Did the men run off the second the shells came out?

    I went to an estate sale last week and the man had been quite a beach bum. They had dozens of bags of sea shells, and driftwood. they also ahd about 40 little bottles of sand from different beaches and volcano ash. It was quite a collection. I got a small bag of shells and driftwood to do a beachy scene is a glass cookie jar I have.

  24. Victoria Magazine is wonderful congrats to the winner she is in for a treat.

    Love the shell wreaths, they are so pretty....and I bet lots of fun to create....hugs, Linda

  25. it's just beautiful! What a fun way to spend some time with Miss K!
    I'd love to make one some day!

  26. Precioso trabajo con caracoles, muy bello todo el blog, Chany

  27. Precioso trabajo con caracoles, muy bello todo el blog, Chany

  28. I love your blog Becky! And may you stay strong in the faith also! And your shell wreaths are also lovely!

    I also wanted to thank you for keeping me on your blogs to look at column! Often when I get people looking, they have come from you! So thanks!!!

    Hugs from Michigan - Diane

  29. Becky, Loved the shell wreaths, inspiring work.
    Oh, I finally found a scotty pup. He has been with us for two days. What a love, can't wait to see what his true personality is.

  30. hi becky!

    what fun you and miss K must have had making your wreaths. they turned out beautifully! what a cool idea. inspiring!

    enjoy the long weekend, sweetie!


  31. Congrats to your winner. I bet she will love this magazine. I love the shell wreaths! What did you use as a base?

  32. How much fun to spend time with your son's special girl. Looks like a fun project too. Sandi

  33. I absolutely love your wreaths! And it is just the project I've been wanting to do. Shells are so beautiful, I have them thru-out the house. Never can get enough!
    Thanks for the inspiration for creating some beauty from that which God created : ) ~ Violet

  34. Hi Becky,
    Thanks for sharing the the wreaths with us.How nice to have such a specail time with Miis K,from all of your past posts about her she seems like such a special young lady.

  35. Exquisite! Love the colours of the shells.

  36. LOVE those shell wreaths!! How pretty.

    Congrats to the winner!

  37. those came out great!
    my mom and i did a similar project on the back of an old hand mirror.

  38. Congratulations to Anna. Lucky lady!
    Your shell wreaths are lovely. I saw Cindy's too when she made hers and they look like fun. Maybe I should do something like that too...hmmmmm.
    Thank you for sharing...and come by and visit some time.

  39. Congratulations to Anna!
    Your shell wreath is just beautiful!

  40. What beautiful wreaths the two of you made. Both of you will always remember the sharing of this project. I liked seeing the different interpretations in the two wreaths. So where is your wreath going to hang?


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!