Friday, July 10, 2009

Fluffing The Nest

Don't you like finding that perfect item to add to your home? Something special, something that you may not know where you will put it, but it surely must make it home to live with you.
Awhile back I spotted these letters that spell NEST over at Cherry's Etsy. They are the perfect color for my entry hall. Cherry has such a special way of making accents out of paper and old ephemera. She has an adorable blog, too!

I found this old crucifix at an antique store and nestled it in the nest along with the angel. It is a sentimental arrangement for me.
Doesn't time just get away these days? Seems there is one project after another...still working on that dining room, too.
This is an antique cupid picture that I found for a good buy at 10.00. It has a wonderful brown metal frame.
Any idea why I bought this antique dog pillow? It screams "cute!"
I wanted to add something to the side of this cabinet and did not want to put a hole in the side of it. So I added some twine around the hanger on the back of the picture, tapped in a tiny nail at the very top of the cabinet and hung the picture down the side.
My friend, Wave (bless her heart), found this wonderful Victorian paper punch motto at an estate sale for 1.00. She told me that it really needs to go to a home that is more cottage style and voila! Tis hanging out at my home now! Thank you, Wave, for passing this along!
And yes....don't forget to Love One Another.


  1. Hi Becky,
    Your nests, both the word and the real one, are beautiul. That puppy pillow looks just like Miss Fiona as pup with her ears down. I hadn't notice that before. I'm going to have to start visiting Cherry's Etsy shop and a few others too. I see these things and think, "I can do that", but never really get it done! Have a great weekend.

  2. Very lovely Becky...your things are displayed so nicely and give a nice warmth to your home.

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Such treasures! I just bought a an old canvas painting with a bird on it a few weekends ago. I don't know exactly where it will go but I absolutely love it and I'm glad I decided to buy it and not leave the store without it. Your nest is lovely.

  4. Hello Sweet Becky! Love this post! Oh what a cute pillow. Love the NEST letters and hope she makes more soon. Love One Another has been taught in our home to! I have a cross-stitch one in my LR. A cherished treasure! Yours is sweet as can be!

    Have a wonderful weekend dear!


  5. Wonderful fluffing of your nest. Those letters are beautifully done and that final Victorian picture is perfect. I know that there's a story about that little cupid picture you have, but I've forgotten.

  6. Your post fits with mine today! Brilliant minds...heehee! I love everything about birds!

  7. LOVE THE PUPPY PILLOW BEST! Of course! Also the nostalgic crucifix and angel are lovely in their private nest. And your idea of hanging the "Friends" picture with twine is really great when not wanting to make a hole in a special piece of furniture! Sweet finds!

  8. Absolutely love your finds, and you display so perfectly!! The little clock is a gem!! Blessings, Janna

  9. What wonderful things! Love the nest sign...the browns are so great.

  10. This is all so beautful! I love the crucifix with the angel! Soooo pretty!

    Lou Cinda :)

  11. What a fab post!
    Your puppy pillow is wonderful!
    Sal xxx ;-)

  12. oh so pretty, love 'em

    please pray for my great niece, Katie, she just came out of heart surgery and the next 48 hours are critical, thanks!

  13. i love your little sweet and full of sentimentality!
    have a wonderful weekend...

  14. Such cool stuff!!! I need to have more patience at antique stores so I can find wonderful things too!

    xo sugar & martine

  15. I recognize that girl in the oval frame photo from my grandmother's home. Does anyone know it's history?

    Lovely vignette,
    Have a great weekend!


  16. I love all your little treasures. Those letters are so sweet!! You have such an eye for putting things together. I enjoyed visiting the blog and etsy site you mentioned. Thanks for sharing. Love & blessings from NC!

  17. I recognize that girl in the oval frame photo from my grandmother's home. Does anyone know it's history?

    Lovely vignette,
    Have a great weekend!


  18. Love your entire settings. The crucifix is quite different from the ones I am used to seeing, love it.
    TTFN ~Marydon

  19. My favorite days are ones I get to spend piddling around the casa and finding the perfect places for the miscellaneous goodies I've scored. I can tell you've had a fabulous time doing that! And I ditto Dawn -- both "nests" are delicious! (I really, really loved the bird's nest.)

    Enjoy the weekend, and piddle and putter to your heart's content!


  20. Becky,

    What nice things to fluff your nest with..


  21. Becky, I always love how you "fluff". You certainly have a talent for display. Cherry's NEST is amazing , I love the colors. I have gotten some of her creations and I love them all.She really comes up with some great combinations.
    Have a wonderful weekend, sweet Becky.
    Jean in Virginia

  22. I love all the new stuff you are finding to "feather" your nest!
    Especially LOVE the pillow!!!!!!
    The little block N-E-S-T letters are inspiring me!
    What a neat post!

  23. So wonderful Becky. My fave kind of post! I love fluffing my nest and hubby just does not get it..but that's ok!
    I have the angel pic you have and another one to match. I believe in the 20's or 30's they were give-a-ways in laundry detergent. You tried to collect all of them. My grandmother told me this when she saw mine! Maybe someone can find out the scoop on them!
    Blessings to you, Misha

  24. Warm and welcoming as it should be! I love how it looks like it was made from the same artist. The whole setting. Yet it's bits and pieces.

  25. Cute, cute things. I love all of Cherry's stuff. I have a couple of things she's made too. Mimi

  26. Wonderful treasures. I love the colors on the nest letters. The puppy pillow is a great find.

  27. The NEST letters are wonderful! I lovew what she does with things:>) The puppy pillow bears a strong resemblance to Miss Fiona's baby pictures doesn't it? Too cute. Have a great weekend Becky:>)

  28. Hi!!
    Your puppy pillow is wonderful!
    Cute, cute things.

  29. the paper punch is beautiful...

    as is everything else.

  30. The nest letters are just adorable and I can understand why you fell in love with them.

    I also love the dog picture. How cute are they?


  31. Good evening Becky, All of your things you shared are just lovely but the one that touched my heart the most was the crucifix and angel sitting in the bird nest. I never thought to sdo something like that but you have given me a great idea. I love it! Thank you so much ♥

  32. Love the letters that spell NEST. Your blog is beautiful. Have a lovely weekend. Valarie

  33. The puppy pillow is fantastic - as is the rest of your beautiful "nest". You have a wonderful knack for putting it all together.

    Have a Superior Sunday.


  34. Becky -
    As always your photos are beautiful!! I love the way you have fluffed your nest. You have such a wonderful talent for displaying your treasures!! Love the NEST letters, antique cupid picture and the puppy pillow.
    Have a great day :)

  35. Love your n-e-s-t vignette. So pretty. And I am coveting that cute, cute dog pillow. laurie

  36. such sweet little treasures!

  37. Hey Becky, I have that little cupid bow picture as well.

  38. What a fun post! I ADORE your style - everything you pick out and display is so cute! Your dogs are my favorite. You have the sweetest cottage blog! I always love coming to visit.


  39. Such wonderful treasures in this post, Becky. Your fingers work magic displaying them. The NEST letters are beautifully made and the colors are just right for the serene palette you have been creating lately. Adore the doggie pillows!



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