Thursday, June 11, 2009

In Miss Jean's Garden

Welcome to my dear friend's, Miss Jean, garden! Jean loves her yard and spends hours outside tending to it each day. With over 100 pots of flowers in her yard, there is always something that requires a little snip here and a little snip there.

First stop is this really cool old mailbox that was fashioned into a birdhouse.
Love the perch made out of an old bent spoon.
Jean brings the garden "up" by using hanging planters and flower pots mounted to stakes.
In the background a pretty little plate, simply hung on a patio post, shows of its pink flowers and vintage charm.
Little nooks and crannies, like this little brick patio, are throughout the yard. The white metal trellis brings your eye up to take notice of the delicate lavender stems.
Hmmmm...what time are the tours?
Jean has quite a vast collection of vintage textiles and quilts. This sweet little bear sits on a darling quilted pillow.

A perfect embroidered towel covers a wicker table.
An enchanting spot to have a cup of tea and lunch!
You could rock away the hours and read a good book in this shady little spot....
...while Mr. Rabbit stands guard over the yard.

Jean's latest project is this amazing stack of pots that remind me of something from Alice In Wonderland. It turned out just perfect!!! And she didn't even break any pots assembling it either.

I hope you enjoyed your little tour! Stop on over to Jean's blog (appropriately titled "In The Garden With Miss Jean") and see what else is going on in her neck of the woods! She's probably covered in potting soil and chasing Maggie out of the flower beds!!!


  1. This is a beautiful and whimsical garden~just my style. Thank you for introducing me to Jean! Your pictures are fabulous, Becky!


  2. i love the stacked pots...great idea. thx 4 sharing!

  3. What a beautiful garden! I love the mailbox birdhouse! Darling! :)

  4. Oh are so lucky to visit Miss Jean's garden,,,I could move in right now!...bring my quilting and scottie and just enjoy! Thanks for sharing. Linda

  5. Thanks for the lovely post, Sweet Becky. One thing I have learned since owning Maggie is not to sweat the small stuff. I've learned that fibrous begonias lose everytime when it comes to a Scotty on a mission and holes dug in newly spread bark and along the fence are just ok. However, don't get me going about the lack of a drip system for those 100+ pots that I now have to hand water. Maybe next year we'll put in another sprinkler system and she will have lost her appetite for plastic.

  6. Dear Becky,

    Miss Jean's garden in unbelievable!! Especially for someone like me who is growing challenged. The joke in my family is if you want to kill a plant, give it to me - inside or out, I'm your gal!!

    Fabulous mailbox bird house - now that will give me something to look for when I go junking. I have plenty of old tin and spoons - all I need is the mailbox.

    Have a great day.

  7. Beautiful garden. Thanks for profiling her. I think I'll pop on over and tell her myself!

  8. Whimsical, fun, beautiful, restful... should I go on.. glorious, tendered, thought out but left to nature.... gorgeous....

  9. Beautiful garden...I LOVE the spoon perch! ~Lori

  10. Thanks, this is such a fantastic post to read and look at on such a cloudy day!

  11. I love this!! So many great ideas!! It's got my gardening brain zinging away with inspiration!! :)

  12. How beautiful and charming and wonderful inspiration. The mailbox birdhouse is the BEST!

  13. B-E-U-A-T-I-F-U-L! Her garden has so much charm. It would be a perfect spot to sit and visit.

  14. I love Miss Jean's garden. Everything is amazing. What a great place to visit. Have a wonderful day.
    Jean in Virginia

  15. What a fun and whimsical garden. I loved the mailbox birdhouse. I envy those with a green thumb. I'll leave the garden to my DH and hopefully I'll have something beautiful to post from my garden. I long for lush, green grass and a cottage garden, but we've been unsuccessful in the hot SoCal weather. Wish us luck this time!

  16. What a fabulous romantic garden! Beautiful and peaceful and perfect for curling up anywhere with a good book and enjoying the views! Loved the tour!

  17. love the mailbox they really nest there?
    have a lovely day.

  18. How beautiful! I especially love Mr. Rabbit and the beautiful linens you use! Very pretty!

  19. Love the garden, and the bird house is so precious. Your pictures as so wonderful. Really feel like I have been there!

  20. What a DELIGHTFUL garden!!!

  21. Oh my goodness! What a fabulous garden! We just love it!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  22. What a beautiful garden! Miss Jean is an artist in the garden, I'm headed over there right now!

  23. What a nice feature on Miss Jean. The birds twittering away in the background was perfect. I was just thinking,"we need a lesson on that flower pot tower", but then you mentioned her blog so I'm off to see if she reveals her secrets!

  24. Oh what a beautiful garden, filled with flowers and whimsy! thanks so much for the tour, Becky. I'm going to visit Miss Jean now... :)

  25. Gorgeous garden. I've been wanting to make one of those pot things. I love how the flowers spill out. Thanks for the tour. Mimi

  26. What a darling garden. It would be a lovely place to slip into for some special quiet time. I adore the spoon perch!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  27. OhMyGosh! It's just beautiful -- just like I knew it would be. And would you look at those begonias??? I wouldn't know how to handle myself if mine got that big and beautiful!

  28. Becky, Jean's garden is beautiful I am glad that you blogged it for all of us to see. I love the old blue chair and all the whimsical look too. Jean works hard to have such a lovely garden, it is so lovely to enjoy it like she does. I know you just had a wonderful lunch at her home, how nice. I see a pic of Mr. D on the side bar (he sure is a cutie). Love ya, Sandi

  29. Charming garden and your birds twittering in the background are fabulous!!

  30. I enjoyed that pretty garden tour. I love gardens that are not only filled with beautiful flowers, but little touches of whimsy too.

  31. What a beautiful garden! It is just wonderful!!!

  32. What a pretty garden :) I love the bent spoon perch too! lol. I wish I had such a nice garden.

    All the best,

  33. Sooo pretty! I love the lil perch made from a spoon on the clever!
    Have a great weekend!

  34. This was such a fun place to visit. Everytime I come to your blog I find new wonderful ideas! Thanks so much.
    joy c. at grannymountain

  35. Becky, Jean's garden is beautiful, I love the little bird house. All of her hard work can be enjoyed this summer. Sandi

  36. Miss Jean's Garden is delightful!. I enjoyed this post very much.
    Take care and have a creative day,

  37. I could spend hours in Miss Jeans garden! How lovely. Thank for the tour. That mailbox birdhouse is wonderful!

  38. I love, love, love your blog. Your Scotties are soooo cute. I left a message on Jean's blog.... Iam hoping she can share how she did stack of pots... its so cute!
    -Mrs Peeks Farmhouse

  39. OMG! How beautiful ! I have just got a start on my back yard but it is coming along quite pretty.... come take a look when you get a minute............ I love some of the things that she has created in her garden! Gives me lots of ideas!

    Thinking of you often! Praying for you daily........

    Sending hugs

  40. Oh Wow! Thank you for the tour of Miss Jean's garden. It is beautiful! I would never want to go inside!

  41. I am running (well maybe a fast walk) over to check out Miss Jean's Garden. Thank you for the lovely tour. If you have time stop by my blog and take a tour of some of my garden. Stella

  42. just for some fun...

    have a great weekend.

  43. *Sigh* I sure miss the California sunshine - Jean's garden is so lovely - thanks for sharing it with us! -amy

  44. What a magical place! I love her pot post and want one now! I'm off to pay her a visit.

    Have a wonderful weekend sweet one.


  45. Hi Backy
    What a beautiful garden. You were lucky to get to visit it. I'll hav eto pop over and see Jean and tell her how much I like it.
    Hope you're enjoying the weekend.
    (hugs)) Rhondi

  46. What a beautiful fun garden. Oh how nice to sit there and sip lemonade. Great ideas too.

  47. I LOVE THAT MAILBOX!!! Very cute! I have the stack of pots-- but I hung mine from a tree.. very fun! Stop by often to see you.. thinking of you.. have a great week-end!

  48. I LOVE your garden... Im getting so many ideas. Thanks :)

  49. Oh Becky - Miss Jean's garden is BEAUTIFUL!
    A true reflection of her spirit, isn't it? Thank you for sharing with us - soooo inspiring!


  50. What a lovely garden! You can tell Miss Jean tends to it with lots of love!

  51. Wow, Becky...thanks for the heads up on this blog! What a great yard. I am looking forward to seeing more of it. So interesing...the bird house was great! A surprise around every corner.
    Blogging constantly reveals such wonderful things. I had NO idea so many out there were interested in the same things I am. ..something new every single day!

  52. What a beautiful garden. Thanks for the tour.

  53. I love those stacked pots...put that one in my memory banks. Also love the bent spoon perch.
    Oh so much fun

  54. Oh I love gardens. Someday I will have one. Thanks for sharing. What inspiration!
    Have a Blessed week.

  55. It is funny that you say right out of Alice In Wonderland. That is exactly what I was thinking! Love it all! Be sure to visit my blog. I have a fundraising auction on a blanket there. :)

  56. Thank you for sharing Miss Jean's garden, it is BEAUTIFUL! I really enjoyed your post!

  57. What a charming garden! I love that mailbox bird house! Thanks for sharing all of this charm! laurie

  58. What a lovely garden!!

    {hugs sweet Becky}


  59. What a beautiful tour of Miss Jean's garden.. I'm especially fond of the mailbox birdhouse.


  60. hi becky,

    wow! what a beautiful garden and so inventive and inspiring! thanks so much for sharing. i will check out miss jean's blog for sure.


  61. Good morning Becky :)

    Miss Jean's garden is so beautiful! It would make me spend hours out there :)

    I hope everything is okay with you...


  62. WOW! I want to come sit in Miss Jean's garden and take in the beauty. That stack of flower pots are insanely awesome!!!!! Thanks for sharing. Hope you are enjoying summer!


  63. Just a little note ~ I found some Scotties in my attic and thought of you! Posted about them today if you have a chance to stop by.

  64. Let me go put a bib on. I don't want to ruin my blouse while I sit here drooling over Jean's fabulous garden. Her garden is my dream garden! I love the variety and layering of flowers, the interesting containers, everything! I would love to try building one of the pot trees. Becky, your pictures are wonderful and show it all off so beautifully. Your photos and Miss Jean's garden could be in a magazine. Thank you so much for sharing! I wish I could come visit in both of your gardens.

  65. HI Becky!

    Oh what a sweet tour! Her gardens are fabulous and full of such fun whimsy too!!I adore that mailbox idea, how cute is that!?!! Love that sweet little linen also, absolutely adorable!

    Thanks for sharing sweetie! Hugs, Cynthia

  66. What a darling garden! You must love to visit. The birdhouse was so danged cute! And I love to see plates used in a garden and must go find my garden plates pronto. Thanks so much for the tour...

  67. Loved the tour of Miss Jean's garden. How clever is that mailbox bird house! Thanks for taking me there.

  68. I really like that garden. It is inspiring to see such an innovative use of pots.

    I love your photos, Becky.

    Kate xxx

  69. what an amazing garden!
    I live in california and have a scottie too:)

  70. The mailbox birdhouse - cleverness at its best! Too cute. I love how people are doing the little topsy-turvy pots stacked up. What fun they are!


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