Sunday, May 24, 2009

Posting Of The Colors On This Memorial Day

Our family has always held a deep appreciation to all of the men and women who have served our Country, in the past and in the present. As many of you know, this Memorial Day holds an extra special meaning to us as we lost our beloved Jordan, Senior Airman USAF, in February. Jordan had served our Country the past three years as a Firefighter in the United States Air Force. He gave unselfishly to our wonderful Nation.
Our wonderful young son is buried in the Honor Garden. On each side of him are two local soldiers who lost their lives in Iraq. Someone left this wreath on Jordan's grave as well as on the graves of the two soldiers on each side of him.
This day we not only remember and celebrate our son, but also to honor those who have served before him and who are currently serving.
These photos were taken today at the cemetary where our Jordan has been layed to rest. As soon as we drove in and saw all of the flags, we immediately began to weep. There are literally thousands - all furling in the wind. It took our breath away.
This is the area where our sweet Jordy is. There is a Memorial momument and today these very special Naval cadets were proudly standing next to it. I could only cry as I took their photos. They could only apologize to me for my tears and loss. Such young spirit - bravado to the core and to the deepest depths of their being!

Below is our son's flag that was donated by his wife, Morgan. We were each presented a flag at Jordan's funeral. She gave her flag so that it can be honorably displayed for days like this.
Today it is stretched out....his angelic arms reaching out to us in love.
Jordan.....thank you, my son.....thank you for serving our Country!!!! We miss you so much!!!

With deepest love and affection this Memorial Day....
Your family....
Dad, Mom, Spen, Duhgall, Fiona and Socks

Thank you, Dad and Grandpa George (RIP), for serving our Country as well.



We also send much gratitude to all of you who have, and have had, family who have served our Country!!!!!!!! There is no other sacrifice so special as this.
For those of you who are reading this post and are currently serving our Country, thank you for fighting for our freedom. Our Country should never forget those who have fought so that we can be FREE!!!!!
God Bless America!!! The home of the FREE and the BRAVE!!


cherry said...

Bless you Becky! AND bless all of those that fought for our freedom! XoXo, cherry

Ginny said...

My heart is with you as a mother and grandmother. I pray for Jordan's sweet family and all families that have sacrificed their very best for our freedom. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Anonymous said...

You brought tears to my eyes. Bless you and thank you for honoring our country.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Becky, I can't hug you. I can only send my heart felt prayers and thoughts to you. I knew it would be difficult time for you and all we can do is hold your family close in thought.
You KNOW he is with you. You KNOW this to be true.
Smile for him.

PamKittyMorning said...

Thinking of you xop

♥Mimi♥ said...

It is up to us to teach the young people the true meaning of this day. If we don't teach...then it may end up as nothing more than a long weekend filled with beer and picnics. Our fallen warriors deserve more, so much more.

Today, along with honoring our fallen warriors, I also honor their mothers. The have made a heartbreaking sacrifice that they will carry in their hearts until the day they die.

Miss Matilda said...

All the very best to you xx

Tins and Treasures said...

I am so touched by your thoughts and prayers are with you today and to all the parents of those that have given to our country. ~Natalie

vintage girl at heart said...

What a beautiful tribute to your son Jordan and to our wonderfully FREE country. The images make me proud and thankful for all of the brave men and women who serve!

Brighid said...

Bless you for such a beautiful Memorial Day tribute. As the sister of one who has served, the mother of one who has served, and the granny of one who is serving I give thanks to all those who protect us. Blessed Be.

Amy said...

Thank you Jordan for the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. I'll never forget. True hero.

Kathleen Grace said...

Dearest Becky
God bless you and your family for the unimaginable sacrifices you have made for all of us. What a sad and beautiful sight to see our wonderful flag honoring those who have given everything they had to keep it flying. All my love and appreciation are sent your way.


2 Dogs said...

Thinking of you. Hugs

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Dear Becky, I know today is a bittersweet day for you. What pride you must feel for your beloved Jordan who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

My husband was a career Marine and last night as we watched the tribute in Washington, DC, I realized again how blessed I was to have him sitting beside me.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today as you celebrate Jordan's selfless gift to our nation.


Vee said...

God bless your family, Becky. It's not only those who serve who sacrifice. The entire family serves and sacrifices as well. With love and gratitude, Vee

Valerie said...

Thank you Becky for raising such a sweet, brave, and honorable son. His loss is a loss for our country as well as your beautiful family. You post today was so moving!

Blessings to you from Kansas,

Duke said...

We are wiping away tears here!
God bless our soldiers!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Bless your son Jordan and all others who have served our country. My heart and hugs go out to you and your family Becky.

Anonymous said...

Jordan was such a special young man. I honor him today along with the rest of the women and men who have served our country so valiantly. I can only imagine how hard this day is for you and your family Becky. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Busy Little Quilter said...

This is such a sweet post. Thank you for sharing this with us. My thoughts and prayers are with you today, as well as with the other families who have loved ones that have served our country.

The Raggedy Girl said...

I am crying. I cannot even imagine your loss and I know the brave spirit inside of you. God bless you and your family as you go through this day.

The Raggedy Girl

Rue said...

You've reduced me to tears once again sweet Becky. The honor garden is a beautiful place. I can only imagine what you must feel when you're there.

Since I know he's there with you in spirit... Please tell Jordan thank you from me and my family. Thank you to you and your family too.


Anonymous said...

My heart is thinking of you and your family today and your loss.

Love you,

Adrienne said...

Dear Becky -
Thank you for sharing your private grief as you honor Jordan and others who have served our country well. I thought of you yesterday and prayed for you and your family on this day when we honor those who have given themselves to preserve our freedom. And as we remember those we love so much.
Hugs to you,

Kim said...

Thank you, Becky, for bringing up such a fine young man. You are a credit to your son's memory. Thanks for strongly supporting him in his desire to serve his country. Thanks for honoring his memory in this beautiful way. You made me cry. I'm glad you did. You are a beautiful mom. I'm so glad you continued blogging. (((hug))))

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Blessings and prayers to you today, and thank you for your sacrifice as well as Jordan's. Thank you to Jordan today. Jackie

Skoots1moM said...

Our nephew is serving now in the middle east...
god bless you all on this day of remembrance and celebration...Jordy is one of my heroes and I never met him, but i know his spirit through his love and commitment.
wish i was there to give you a big hug
and god bless those serving today at the myriad of locations where tributes are taking place :)

Anonymous said...

God Bless your family and your very special son Jordan.


Lori said...

Becky I pray for you and your family. Your blog today was a wonderful tribute to your son and all the others. May God bless your family. "Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That A Man Lay Down His Life For His Friends" John 15:13

My Beautiful Mess! said...

My heart is with you today. God Bless you & your family.

Magic Moonlight said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful Memorial Day tribute to your son, Jordan.
Sending you and your family love and prayers.

Pat said...

As the daughter and wife of veterans, I wept as I read your post and continue to weep. I found your blog just today from Amanda (Busy Little Quilter). I am so sorry for your loss of your precious son and know words don't erase that.....but I hope it helps to know you have made many new friends who have you and your family in their prayers and their hearts.

julieQ said...

God bless you for sharing this wonderful tribute. Words are just not enough, and I honor you for sharing this post, and especially your precious son for his sacrifice and honor. Hugs to you each day!!

Claudia said...

Bless you and your family this Memorial Day. Thinking of you and so many others who have suffered the loss of loved ones.

FrenchGardenHouse said...

My heart, as a Mom and grandmama is with you, Becky. I am praying for God to hold all of you in his arms right now. Thank you, and all the other families who have sacrificed their most precious for our country. Bless you.
xo Lidy

Rosemary said...

I thank your son and everyone who has served or is serving our great country!!!
My prayers are with you!

molly said...

I just ask Gods spirit to embrace you today as you spend this day in a much different way than last... Thank you for sharing your journey and I will continue to hold you in prayers.

Blondie's Journal said...


Thank you for sharing your pictures and your heartfelt words. It must be very hard to express your pride and grief at one time. I think you are a very brave and humble person.

As always, I pray for you and your family.

Thank you for reminding us in a firsthand way, why we celebrate this day.


Kathy said...

What a beautiful post and tribute to your son. As I wipe the tears from my eyes, I personally offer my heartfelt thanks to Jordan, his family, and you, his mom, who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Betty said...

Bless you and your family today Becky. I am sure that Jordan is smiling down at you today.

They call me Estatez... said...


Unknown said...

I was thinking of you especially this morning.... I am so touched.
Bless you!


AverettLadyNana said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. What a beautiful Memorial Day Tribute to your Jordan and all those who have served or are serving this country to keep us free.
I have tears flowing and know I am sending hugs to you and yours on this special day for remembering.

lady jicky said...

Thinking of you.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

God bless you. I am crying with you as I read your words! What a difficult day this has been for you. My prayers are once again with you. laurie

Robin said...

I've been thinking of you today Becky....this was such a moving post!
Your family has made the ultimate heart is with you today.

mickie said...

Hugs Becky, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Freckled Hen said...

I thought of you this morning as the first light of Memorial Day streamed in my window. It must not have been an easy day but just know there are so many of us who are proud and honored that you raised a wonderful son who chose to serve his country. Thank you for that.
Your pictures of the bold billowing flags really choked me up. You are a wonderful person and I just know your heart is filled with the beauty of your son.

{oc cottage} said...

Amen! God bless you all!!!

m ^..^

The Tattered Cottage said...

How difficult today must be for you. Thank you for sharing your private grief and your moving tribute to your son Jordan and all the men & women who have given so much for our freedom. How proud you must be of your son and the ultimate sacrifice he gave. We honor our fallen, the one's who served and still serve. We should also honor the families of these heroes, as they too give the ultimate sacrfice. Hugs & prayers to you and your family.
God Bless,

Daisy Cottage said...

God bless you, your family, and your beautiful Jordan.

There are no words to express how much you and your family mean to us and how thankful we are for all that you have done to honor our country. There are no words to express how much my heart is touched by YOU, your friendship, and your soul. These images go straight to the heart and tears gently flow. You are a beautiful, precious Mother and a beautiful, precious woman - one that I admire and love and am very proud to call friend.

Love always,

kari and kijsa said...

Bless you and your family. Bless your son, a hero and the reason our country is what it is. We are proud to know you, and know your sacrifices four our nation- we are honored that you shared. A very blessed Memorial Day to you! Beautiful post!!

kari& kijsa

Sue said...

Sending you warm thoughts on this day that we thank all members of the armed forces, past and present, for their service. As his mom, he will live in your heart forever. Sue

GranthamLynn said...

Oh Bless you Becky. Thank you for such a sweet post. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Sending you hugs.

The Strawberry Mallard said...

Becky, knowing how hard this day would be for all of you... We send all of our love and prayers to all of you and yours and especially to Jordan.
Love always, NEBS & Mom

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

That is a beautiful post. May you find comfort in knowing your precious son's sacrifice is treasured by so many of us that will never have the honor of showing you and your family the gratitude you deserve. This is the ultimate gift that a man would lie down his life for his family, friends & country.

Unknown said...

Dear Becky,
I am also the Mother of two beautiful sons who grew up so much like yours. They are both on Active Duty in the Navy, and have both been deployed twice. My heart has gone out to you while reading about your precious Jordan. Mothers have a holy bond, a bond that no one else can understand, so when you send your son into harm's way, you are sending a part of yourself, your most precious part. Thank You for sharing your incredible yellow butterfly experience, and your Memorial Day Tribute.
Bless you.


JudyKay said...

"Some of us got so free, we forgot it was the brave who made it possible." ~Anon.

Thank you for your sacrifice for our country. I am praying for your family as well as everyone else who gave their lives so we can remain the land of the free.

Anonymous said...

I do not know the sting your family has felt at the loss of your precious son, Jordan. Your tender words do bring tears, but I also sense the hope that you share in your faith and reassurance that one day you'll be reunited.

Thank you for being such a fine example of God's grace. I pray His blessings on you and your family.

Kay, No. Richland Hills, TX

Anonymous said...

I do not know the sting of sacrifice that has come to your family at the loss of your precious son, Jordan. Your Memorial Day tribute brings tears to my eyes, yet I hear the hope of promise and strength your faith in God brings. I pray God’s blessings upon you and your family.

Kay, No. Richland Hills, TX

Kristen said...

I come from a military family and married a military man.

I'm so sorry for your pain. Hugs to you.


Jean said...

Becky, what a beautiful and moving post. My love and prayers to you.
Jean in Virginia

Anonymous said...

After reading your post I am sitting here with tears rolling down my cheeks. I am so sorry for your loss and yet so grateful for your son (and other family members.) My 18 year old daughter is entering the navy in the fall. I am just as proud of her as you are of your son. I hope that should the day come, I am as brave as you. God Bless You!

ann said...

May you and your family be blessed and just scooped up in our Saviour's arms and given comfort. Thank you for the beautiful post in honor of our wonderful men and women who have died for our freedom and the freedom of others. Words cannot adequately describe how awesome of a sacrifice they have made.

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Thank you for sharing with us from your heart ~ you and your wonderful son continue to touch many lives.

Denise said...

Girl friend, just getting out a bit and visiting some of my favorite people... and you are one of the tops on my list.......

This is such a beautiful post and I cannot even imagine the pain mixed with the pride as you stood by the resting place of your precious son.

As a mother of two son's I only stand outside your world and shudder at the thought of standing where you stand.......

I pray often for you as you are still tender and broken and it is only with the Grace of the Father that healing WILL come.... I say that because I know The Father and I know HIS heart turned toward you and the precious lives that we honered this memorial day.

Love to you sister.... peace and grace I say to you...... and HOPE for tomorrow that we will hold those that have gone on before close and kiss their cheeks!

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

Amen, and amen, Becky! May it ever be free, and God, please continue to bless the sacrifice of these brave men and women and bless our country because of them!
PS: I am so happy that the cemetery was decked out in our country's colors. I am so proud of the way we honor our military here in this country. It is not the politician who makes us free...

Omah's Helping Hands said...

God Bless you for your honoring and thinking of others. May the Lord stand with you and hold you in this time of loss. We thank your son for his great sacrifice for our country. Those of us who have served were honored to do so for our country. Our thoughts and prayers and with you and your family. Thank you Jordon and all that that have and still continue to serve.

Kathy Sue said...

Becky, you did a wonderful job on this post and I pray for you and your family. God Bless you all. You look so sweet sitting there by his grave. We all appreciate the fact that he served our Country.I know you and Barry are very proud. I think the flags are wonderful and I know that had to be beautiful to see. Take care Becky and God Bless you all. Love Kathy Sue

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

What a beautiful post about Memorial Day and your precious son! Those flags blowing in the wind with the Navy men standing beside the monument do bring tears to your eyes. Thanks for sharing such a memorable post. Love and blessings from NC!

Lisa Cobler said...

This is my first visit to your blog. I'm so sorry for your loss. May God give you comfort and strength.

Rhondi said...

Dear Becky
I join with everyone in honoring your brave son and I thank you for raising such a fine young man who was willing to serve his country.
Hugs, Rhondi

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

My prayers are with you!!! The chilgren I work with at church made cards to give to those in our chuch who served in the military. ...hugs...m.

Susie Q said... were in my thoughts Monday butthen you are SO often in my thoughts and always in my heart. Jordon is there with you as well...I think of you both every day. i wish i could hug you tightly but for now I send this cyber hug and much love...


Amber said...

Thank you for posting this sweet reminder of what Memorial Day is all about. How thankful we all are that there are those willing to lay down their lives for our freedom. We are so sorry you lost your poor son, please know that we join you in your love and pride of his service!

Lallee said...

I will never forget this beautiful post, Becky. I'm sorry I'm not reading it on Memorial Day. Every one of us were blessed by Jordan's service to our country and I will always be grateful.
Love you so much!

Linda Summerfield said...

So moving, I thought of you and your family on this day.

Unknown said...

Oh i just found your blog, and read your story. My heart goes out to you. I can't imagine what you've been through this year. I'm sending a BIG HUG your way today!

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you and your family. This is a beautiful post and a wonderful tribute to your son.
May God bless you always.
BB from Ga.

Jodi B. said...

My heart aches for you and for all families who have suffered such a loss -- Jodi

Esther Sunday said...

Sorry I am late...have been away. Thanks for posting such a personal "first" time. We thank Jordan and all those who bravely serve. Thinking of you with love.

Jaja said...

May God Bless and Keep You All.

Susan of Pink Portuguese Roses said...

Sorry this is so late getting to you.

My husband took this video of the memorial at River Ranch (Modesto Christian school) and posted it on YouTube.

I thought you might like to see it.

Blessings to you.

Cindy@Cutepinkstuff said...

My thoughts are with you and your family, Becky. Wonderful post honoring your son and other brave men who serve our country!

Colleen said...

My family and I want to thank your brave son, and all those before and after him, for serving our country, protecting our freedom and sacrificing their lives for all of us. I know your heart has a hole in it that can never be filled but please know that Jordan's life was not wasted.

Thank you Jordan!

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