Monday, January 26, 2009

Hard At Work

Do you think I can dig to China? Man! This is hard work!!
I think I need a tasty beverage .... glub, glub, glub - burp.

Now a little snoooooooze will do! I am beat!

Disclaimer: Doogs did not consume any alcoholic beverages nor will he be participating in any 12 step program in the near future. However, if you must know....he WILL knock over your Guiness bottle if you leave it on the ground. Afterall, he is a true Scotsman and likes his ale!


Thank you all for your interests in the Sweet Dream pillows. I will be putting some on ETSY by Thursday (sorry, I said Wednesday earlier however I didn't quite get them all done). Like Mr. Doogie, I have been busy at work here with sewing and setting up a little space at a local antique mall. With that being said, I will be taking a wee bit of a break but will be back this weekend to announce a blog giveaway in celebration of Valentine's Day - because I HEART YOU!



  1. good luck at the antique mall. looking forward to the giveaway!
    i love a great surprise.
    xoxo, chas

  2. He is such a cutie!!!!!!

    Aunt Amelia
    "In the garden mystery glows/
    the secret is hidden in the rose--"
    ~Farid od-Din 'Attar

  3. p.s. i left you an email about your box. hope you like it!

  4. love me some new castle ale...yet all i've got now is honey brown...

    the sand looks like snow on his whiskers!

    too cute...break a leg with your antique-ery!!

  5. Cute, cute puppy....glad to see he loves the beach AND his home country's ale. LOL!!

  6. He is just the cuties thing! I can tell that you do not favor him! I am looking forward to the V-Day giveaway! Cant wait to see what you have planned......

  7. Doogs is just adorable...did I ever ask you if he sheds? We are in the process possibly getting a dog. I think we have narrowed it down to a Golden Doodle, but Doogs is so adorable....

  8. I honestly thought that was snow in the first 2 pictures!!! I'll bet my Maizie would LOVE to play in the snow.

  9. LOL LOL LOL, at first I thought it was snow and then I saw the knees, chick!! I shivered and then realized it was sand! Hah.

  10. first I thot I was seeing snow in your pix..then realized it was sand..Carmel white sand no doubt! Dicken's what antique mall?

  11. DOOGS! I love him. Give him a big fluffy face snuggle for me!


  12. Oh that TOO CUTE DOOGIE! What a riot! So you are taking a space at an antique mall! Good for you! How exciting! Enjoy the process and the sales as well! You'll have to keep us posted!!!

  13. Doogs is sooo cute! Looks like he really enjoys the beach. Our Conner boy has never seen the beach; but does enjoy a bottle or two. Sand might be a good experience for him, perhaps we'll plan a trip. I enjoy Sweet Cottage Dreams very much. Thanks for your beautiful posts. I love your pillows! Hugs to Doogs,

  14. He is so darn cute!! And I love the look of your blog:-)
    Have fun this week

  15. What a CUTIE! I did a little antique-ing over the weekend and saw quite a few scottie dogs and I thought of your dear doggies each time! Such a cute picture story! The first pic, I actually thought he was digging in the snow and the second picture shows it was sand, what fun, thinking of beaches and summertime!

  16. What cute pictures. He always gives me a smile.

  17. Greetings!
    Just came across your blog and love it! I too have a Scottie....Ally and loved all your doggies pics! There's nothin like a Scottie. I jsut recently posted a pic of mine in the snow we recently got here in NC. She loved it. I will def. be back!
    Take Care,

  18. Doogie is such a cutie....your posts about him always makes my day!!! He did make me jealous being at the beach while I'm freezin my tushy here in Texas. I'm telling all are making me miss CA in the winter!! ~Cheryl :)

  19. Oooh! A place to come shop for your pretties?? Where? When? Can't wait!

  20. What a cutie! He works TOO hard!

    Love your pretty pillows! So sweet!

  21. As always i enjoy visiting with you,

  22. Becky, your pillows are beautiful! I'm so jealous that you are on the beach in JANUARY! The pictures today are adorable! Can't wait to hear all about your booth too!

  23. Hi Becky,The beach looks great,and Doogs is very cute.
    When you have time stop by my blog this weekend and I will be having a giveaway.I have finaly made it to 100 posts.
    Goos Luck with the booth!!

  24. Congratulations on your spot at the antique mall. You will do fantastic I have no doubt with all your creative talent. Do you have to wash Doogs to get the sand out of his fur? He is a sweetie.
    Have fun with your booth.
    Jean in virginia

  25. Oh Congrats on your booth! Good luck with that! I'm going to do a little give away too in the next week or so. Stop by and see!

    Poor Doogs! Can't a fella get a drop!

    At first I thought he was digging in snow. LOL! I had to look again. : )Such a cutie patutie.


  26. Hello dearest..
    At a glance I thought that Doogs was shovelling snow.. but surely not in California!???
    Which planet is it that has warm sun and beach play in January.. tell me and I will be there!!?
    Hope you and your lovely family are all well and wishing you all the very best of everything for this year my friend..
    Michele xxxx

  27. At first I thought Doogs was digging in snow and then I realized he was on a sandy beach! Oh Doogs, you lucky pup!

  28. Lil' Doogs is SOOOO cute! Can't wait to see what you're dreaming up!

  29. i had to do a double-take because at first i thought these were taken in snow. more coffee needed for me!

    your shutters should arrive any day!


  30. At first I thought that was snow and then I realized it was the Beach....LOL.

    Have a great day!

  31. Go Doogs!! Kipper is SO envious. he has some white stuff to dig in but it is COLD white stuff and he hates that!


  32. Hi Becky!

    That is too Adorable!! lol

    I just left you another comment, on those gorgeous pillows! I cannot wait to get some! seriously, you are so so talented! Have you ever thought of selling them to a store too? all your other work is just so beautiful too! You are one very talented chicky!! :)

    Hugs, Cynthia

  33. Just look at that baby! Our animals sure do provide us with love. :)

  34. He is so cute!!
    Hope you had a great weekend.

  35. Love Doogs second pictures with the snow all around his mouth. He's such a handsome boy...

  36. I love your blog!! I have two awards for you over on my blog!


  37. Doogs is such a cute...good luck on the antique mall. I've been thinking of getting a small space too!

    Looking forward to the giveaway!


  38. Well, Sweetcakes.. :) that little person of yours is ..beyond cute!
    Mine is cute but...wait..she has NO sand to be cute in! (um..that IS sand isn't it?) Seriously, he IS adorable!! You said a BIG pillow is coming? S'mine!! ME FIRST, ME FIRST! :)
    Panties in a wad here!! :)
    (I'm not really like that, honest!)
    I'll get in the back of the line.

  39. Oh dear...maybe I really AM like that! ARRGGGG
    I need to sit quietly and reflect on my recent behavior since I started blogging..yep...

  40. Hi Becky!

    I came to your etsy store a few times for the love pillows , but didn't see them, did I miss them?

    Oh they were so so sweet , if they weren't listed yet, just give me a holler, I would love to get some :)

    Thanks for stopping in sweetie and leaving such kind comments too! Hugs, Cynthia

  41. Doogs is too cute! Antique you say...I feel a road trip coming on...hugs, Linda

  42. Hi Becky,

    Oh I would love that, thanks! whenever you are finished , just send me an email, no rush, I know how life gets in the way for sure!!

    Your the best! Thanks! Hugs, Cyn

  43. My gosh he is just the cutest and I love the sand on his whiskers - good luck at the mall.


  44. Oh my word!! I love your dog!


  45. Lucky Dog -- a wonderful day at the beach! My dogs had to deal with sleet and ice on the ground this morning! Doogs is just adorable...looking at your pics of him at the beach makes me long for the warmth of spring. Love your blog!

    xo ~ Donna

  46. Oh what a cutie pie and Gigi would happily share a beer too if she could get her paws on one! Congrats on the new venture, darn I wish I were closer.


  47. Hi Becky,
    I love that Dugs is so resourceful...LOL! I wonder what he would think of our 12 inches of snow we have on the ground!! Jackson is just too funny in it. Today is his 3rd birthday so I am making him a cake!!


  48. I thought Doogs was digging in snow and then I looked closer and realized it was sand! No wonder he needs a beer after all that hard work.

  49. For a split second there I thought he was digging in snow. But then I came to my senses and remembered where you lived!

  50. Cute, cute pictures!! I thought it was snow too until I noticed the shorts.
    I will have to stop in Modesto next time we go through there. I'd love to see your booth!
    I gave you an award on my blog tonight and I meant every word!!

  51. So funny cute doggie even if he is drunk... mishelle

  52. How cute! I thought he was in snow at first. And boy, your new blog skin look's grand!

  53. That is so funny! I, too, thought it was snow at first!

    Becky, be sure to come by my blog. I have an award for you!

    Hugs and Blessings,

  54. Becky,

    I gave you a blogger award! You can go to my page to check it out! Thanks for inspiring!


  55. Your dog is so cute -- I have a giant Westie (32 pounds and counting!!!)who loves the snow too!

  56. You site looks great-Thanks for checking mine out since I am new to this. Your giveawy gift looks awesome!

  57. Ha! When I saw the first pic I thought it was snow. You could easily have fooled us all. Doogs is the ever cute Scottie in all his poses!

  58. Oh my goodness! This little fella is one of the CUTEST doggies I've EVER seen! :-)

  59. I wanted to squeeze in a note to tell you how tickled I was that you visited my lil blog. i'm still new to all of this blogging and it can surely become intimidating at times. Especially when i visit blogs like yours with hundreds of friends.

    your creations are beautiful. I too love creating all kinds of confections. Your give away is very generous.

    Sweet wishes,


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!