Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Naughty or Nice?......Naughty.....

I'm so bad......

craving chocolate after having read BJ's post about peanut
...ahhh...much better now!
A spoonful...that's all it takes!


  1. Haha! I've been doing the same thing with a container of cool-whip from Thanksgiving! -amy

  2. You must be related to my brother. This is his favorite treat. He would stay at my house and steal the icing without my knowing. I would go to ice a cake and it would be half eaten. This was remedied with a plastic spider. The next time he peeled off the lid- well the whole thing flew across the room. Scared him to death. If only I had been there to see it!

  3. I'm impressed that you can actually stop after one spoonful! I don't have the will power.

  4. One spoonful is all it takes for me a time:>)

  5. Sometimes that is the best way to get a sweet fix...a teaspoon or two of frosting. You silly girl....I do that too!!!

    P.S. Check out my banner today!!

  6. Just a spoon full of sugar . . .

    Helps the medicine go down. falalalalala

    SHe said in her best Mary Poppins Voice * hahahahaha!

    Oh man, I've had plenty of "menopausal chocolate moments" lately * TG for a carton of yummy frosting!! xoxo P

    PS * Love your santa stocking!

  7. Guilty! I have totally done this and raided the Whipped Cream...


  8. Oh my friend...that is a dangerous thing! LOL. To me it's like potato chips, I can't stop at one. Then I look down and its gone! Ack! LOL. I thought of you today...At Wally, they had Licorice Scottie Dogs! So stinking cute!


  9. I remember watching Oprah years ago and she told a story about when she frosted a hotdog bun. That stuff is dangerous to have around!

  10. If I could stop at just one spoonful, I wouldn't be in the shape I'm in!!

  11. How funny, I thought that I was the only one that did that.. just one spoon full! Yeap !

  12. I would never do that!! No never. Course give me a spoon and a jar of peanut butter and I'm putty in your hands! Or a little sliver of Sara Lee cheesecake - that turns into the entire cheesecake! Or plain cake doughnuts in the box from the grocery store. So much for me being smug! Actually, frosting sounds good. I'm on my way over with a BIG spoon!

  13. You want more chocolate....I just posted my recipe for Butter Nut Toffee....with a layer of chocolate...chocolate makes everything seem better...

  14. Yes my dear Becky you have been BAD...rofl...I am making choc. chip cookies right now as we I guess I am calling the kettle black. Can't wait to see your pretties done for Christmas. cherry

  15. haha........oh chocolate frosting!!!! Its ok...its that time of year to eat these goodies

  16. Oh my gosh! As a true chocoholic...this looks like heaven! I just bought some cocoa covered almonds and they are heaven too. So much so that by the time Jos gets out of heavy traffic and home, I won't need any!

    Hugs and kitty kisses ~
    Heidi and Dagi

  17. Hahaha, I have to hide it in this house or I would never get a cake frosted :)



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