Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sweet Touches With Handmade Textiles

Since I was a little girl I have been in love with handmade textiles. Whilst at my grandmother's homes, I would sit as close to them as I could and marvel over the work their hands created. So it should come as no surprise that the passion for handmade items remains close to my heart.

I am integrating more reds in our guestroom, as I mentioned before, and thought that I would share more with you with this post. You already saw the red ticking lampshade and I have added one vintage potholder to it so far. (Thank you for your encouragement to do so!!)

My favorite old feedsack quilt is now comfortably stretched out on the bed. At the top are handmade pillows, except the Cath Kidston at the front right of the pile. For awhile I have been searching around for a little scotty dog pillow and adore the Vintage Vogart tinted textiles. When I found this pretty pillow for sale that sweet Kathy made, my heart lept from my chest! I just knew that it would be PERFECT for my little room. Isn't it adorable?
Embroidered pillowcases add just a pop of color and vintage charm.

I made this red, white and blue pillow with a remnant from a vintage tablecloth and added fluffy blue vintage pom pom fringe around the edges.

The rose pillow was made by Amy and the pillows behind it and Kathy's pillow were made by Amanda, who use to sell on eBay. Even though I sew, I love buying items that have been lovingly created by other women.

My old quilt has charming little feedsack prints. Each time I look at it I see something new. I wish I knew who spent hours of her time making this nostalgic piece.

Don't you just love getting parcels in the mail? Well, I know I sure do.
I get all giddy - like a kid at Christmas. Kathy's pillow came beautifully wrapped...

and she tucked in a darling little...

..handmade scotty! Soooo cute!

Now we all know that Miss Lallee is also uber talented and I have been drooling for quite
some time over her crocheted doilies. I have the red one draped over my kitchen

Here they are ... so cute and vintagey looking...

...and they came wrapped in tissue and tied up with the cutest little bow.

Well my sweets, have a lovely day and do take time to enjoy it. Maybe catch a good movie or

treat yourself to a pretty arrangement of flowers. I did get to go see Mama Mia this week with my dear friend, Miss Jean. We really enjoyed it and it definitely is a "feel good kinda chickie flick" sort of movie. Best with hot buttery popcorn, too!

ta ta for now......


  1. Love how your beautiful little room is coming. The red accents are perfect. And those doggies are adorable!
    I don't know if I commented on your other post.. but I have three of those little china girl vases like you have up in the cupboard shelf.. but I don't have a pink one. I am now definitely on the lookout!

  2. You have definitely captured the look, my little cottage chickadee!! It's adorable!!!

  3. It looks perfect, I love it! I just love the old quilts and the pillows look so cute with it. I found an old pillow with scotties on it the scottiesare sitting under an umbrella, I loved it so much that my Mom copied it and made me another one, so I have two handmade pillows, I use it in my camper.

  4. Awe, I could rest my head on
    those lovely pillows!! Just lovely.


  5. Hi Becky,
    I wanted to tell you I posted a picture of my Scottie pillows, for you to see, I hope you can stop by to take a look. I hope you don't mind that I mentioned you on my post?

  6. Hi Becky, the scotty pillow looks perfect in the bedroom with all your other gorgeous pillows! I adore the feedsack quilt. I inherited a stackof feedsacks from my grandmother and remember the sweet little outfits she made for my sister and I out of them while we were little. You have such an eye for putting beautiful things together to make something even more beautiful! I couldn't be happier with the home my little pups found:>)

  7. Adorable Scottie Pillow. :-)


  8. Becky, your guest room looks so pretty...i love all of those pillows you have piled high on the bed, each one is so sweet and all together they make quite a beautiful statement...oh, and the quilt is just amazing...what a great room you have put together!!!

  9. Your guest room is so inviting. May I come for a visit? Just LOVE the puppy pillows. Lucky you :)
    I so enjoy seeing your decorating ideas. :)

  10. Becky,

    I am back from my Alaskan/Seattle vacation and trying to catch up with all my friends. Love that red ticking stripe lampshade. I never see good shades at "my" Target. What's up with that?


  11. the room looks lovely. It's coming together so beautifully. You must be extremely happy with it. All those pillows look so inviting.

  12. I just love textiles..and you have
    some awesome ones..
    smiles, Deena

  13. I always enjoy your wonderful photos--and I totally agree--it's great to have treasures other people have made!

  14. Love your red and white pillows. I enjoy collecting the laundry bags that I find from those sweet vintage doggie linens. I hide them in my laundry room in hope that my #1 doesn't find another one of my collections. I mean how many times will he go into the laundry room, right! Everything looks so lovely.

  15. Your room is so cute! I just love vintage textiles......
    Ooooo, I just rec'd a potholder I ordered from Lallee; will be posting about it soon. She is so talented!

  16. Your guest room is very cozy and inviting. Who would have thought that a pot holder could look so perfect on a lampshade.

    I love all the pillows, too.

    from Palmdale CA

  17. Love love the feedsack quilt, and those pillows make that bed so cozy. The room looks so cute! I love red so of course I think the addition to the room is perfect!

  18. Oooh how relaxing your pillows look! And so fresh, love all the colours,and hint of red. what nice gifts from your friends..... cute scotty pillows!

    Priscilla x

  19. I TOTALLY agree with you on the hot buttered popcorn. How do people make it through a movie without it? Mama Mia was a fun movie and I found myself "singing" along! I'm likin the reds mixed with a little blue. The Scotty pillows as well as that feedsack quilt are favorites. They look great!

  20. I TOTALLY agree with you on the hot buttered popcorn. How do people make it through a movie without it? Mama Mia was a fun movie and I found myself "singing" along! I'm likin the reds mixed with a little blue. The Scotty pillows as well as that feedsack quilt are favorites. They look great!

  21. Oh, hon, I am in LOVE with your guestroom! Anyone would be quite lucky to get to spend a night there! I am a real quilt lover, use to quilt myself. Made all those tiny patchwork pieces by hand back in the 1990s and then quilted them. Don't know where that patience came from. But my favorite possessions are my quilts that I made.

  22. It all looks so cozy and adorable...!! And that quilt... oh it's to die for!!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  23. i love it all!!! Those pillows are the cutest :)

  24. Thanks for coming over to my giveaway. I am so bummed that I din't win your red one. It is an awesome pile of loot and I wanted it so badly. But today, I came away with the blog 'Lallees Cottage' and I hope to find some great crocheted items there. So thank you for the link. I have been given a gift from you, after all!!!!!

  25. Becky, your bed is wonderful with the great old quilt and fabulous pillows. The Scottie pillow is adorable, and I love the touches of red. The ways you used the doileys are very creative - Love it! You have a wonderful Monday evening.
    Jean in Virginia

  26. Oh! I love those pillows and Lallee's crochet! Can I come stay in your guest room? LOL

  27. I'm loving your guest room. You have such a wonderful collection of pillows--such beautiful handiwork. Kathy's pillow is so adorable. I love how it has pockets on the front so you can tuck the little Scottie in. Miss Matilda looks like she is taking a kitchen break with her cutie apron on. Love the idea of the vintage potholder on the lampshade. You have probably started a new trend! Lastly, that quilt is awesome. What great fabrics. Like you said, one of the most pleasurable things about quilts is studying all the different fabrics.

    Hope your week got off to a great start!


  28. Oops, me again ;-) Thank you for sharing my potholders. I love your gingham valance!

  29. Hi, Becky! Just wanted to pop in to say hi! Hope you are doing good! Jen

  30. Becky, I could honestly look at the pictures on your blog all day long. Beautious (beautiful~gorgeous) stuff! I don't suppose it is necessary to alert a fellow blogger, but I did mention you and put a link to your blog on my post today. Just thought I would let you know. A Scottie just can't get too much air time, now can he?

  31. Hi Becky :)

    I love your new Scotty dog pillow. The little Scotty is so precious and so are the crocheted doilies :)

    Your guestroom is so charming, who wouldn't want to stay there?!


  32. Lovely pillows...lovely everything!

  33. Oh I love your goodies!! Very sweet bedding...the pillows are darling!

  34. Lovely things the dog cushion is so sweet

  35. Hi, Becky - how did I not know about your blog? We definitely share some of the same obsessions. Just added you to my subscription list & am looking forward to catching up on your posts!

  36. Hi Becky,

    Your little room is so cozy! I adore that quilt and all of those sweet pillows just top it off perfectly! I'm obsessing over pillows lately...goodness, somebody stop me!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday :)


  37. Oh Becky! That snowball quilt made of feedsacks is just so beautiful! What a find. It really is a piece of a woman's history all sewn up with needle and thread.

    Hugs and kitty kisses ~
    Heidi and Dagi

  38. Just so beautiful Becky! You have such a talent dear friend.
    You know I adore your things...and I adore anything cottagy!!


  39. I LOVE all your vintage textiles! You have such a good eye for them. I knew exactly where that Scotty pillow came from as soon as I saw it. Kathy is as sweet as can be and she does an excellent job on all her creations.
    Patricia :o)

  40. Oh how I wish I could be a guest there in your WONDERFUL and cozy room that of course is as cute as can be! LOVE IT!
    Love it ALL - definitely the sweetest of touches and displayed with love.



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