Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Heat Is On!

Ever have days like this?
Ever felt like crawling into an ice cube?
Or sitting under a nice and cool waterfall?

Yup, I am having these desires! Good ol' hot flashes!
My turn! My turn to explain my nasty and foul moods on something else...
Menopause. Let's examine this word, Menopause.
Men - you can't live with them or without them. They don't understand what you are going through or that you may not be interested in some bedroom flings cause ya just ain't feelin' gooood cause yer bloated, hot and not feeling like a 20 year old!!
O - for outbursts & overheated
Pause - it puts a freakin' wrench in your life!!!!!!!! ...this menopause thing we have to go through!!!
Time to stock up on cool beverages, MEGA calcium tablets, face powder and a good deoderant!

Food for thought........


  1. Oh Baby! Do I know what your talking about? You bet!

    And they tell me it could take years....sigh

  2. Holy, Moley! That is too funny! Course, as a veteran hot flasher I can sympathize. Supposedly if you start to get one you are supposed to close your eyes, calm down and think good thoughts as stress is supposed to be one of the triggers. Personally, I just go put my head in the freezer and try to come up with a cute retort for the person who says, "Your face is red!" I've been to the doctor numerous times for blood work to see if the hormones were "off" but to no avail. Just add this to the long list of things that if a man suffered from, there would be a cure!

  3. Oh Miss Jean, ya got that one right!!! ROFL!!!

  4. Sweetie Pie - I am sorry. Personally, I had menopause for about a day after I had a Hysto... however... if the cost of my hormones keep going up, I may opt for menopause! Artie - watch out!!!

  5. OH, BLESS YOUR LITTLE HOT HEART...I remember!! EVERY THING on your poor little body is HOT. And, not in the "Man...she is HOT", meaning GOOD LOOKIN' !! We're talkin' HOT as in FIRE HOT...But, wait a minute....I am tellin Noah about the flood, right!
    Sorry, darlin'....I promise it WILL get better....
    hugs, bj

  6. oh you poor thing! my mother had hot flashes for such a long time I dread when it will eventually happen!

  7. Becky;I was just bragging last night at work that I am almost 49 years old and have not had my first hot flash,And let me tell you I am not looking forwrd to it.

    Stay Cool:)

  8. I'm with you on that one!!!
    It's a very bad joke, after going through what we have since we were 12 or 13. Who knew it would be like this!!!
    Good Luck!

  9. Oh poor you! I never really knew what a hot flash was until I had one. Wow! They aren't kidding are they!

  10. My Doc.said No, your not old enough!! After the second visit telling him how I felt, He said we will do blood work...needless to say shortly after I found a new Doctor. The new Doc. said take these and you will be nice to your Hubby...My family has been cold for several years. I even sneak around at the in-laws and touch the thermostat by accident. Do not mess with hot flashing Women:) Hugs Mary

  11. I am personally looking forward to menopause...anything has to be better than these twice monthly migraine headaches that my hormones bring on!!


  12. I know exactly what you mean as I am suffering right now..! I even put on a wet t shirt this morning just to cool me down ;-)Sal

  13. I feel like I am in an ice cube right now! Brrr, its cold here.

    I could use a hot flash right now. But only one to get me warmed up :)

    Bless you, kimme

  14. That little sign it tooo funny. Love the pictures you posted.

  15. LOL! You are too funny Becky! I don't have this problem myself YET but hear it once a month (tonight!) at our quilt group. We are sitting there taking care of business and all of a sudden you hear somewhere yelp OOOHH! and take off a layer. :)

    Hugs and kitty kisses ~
    Heidi and Dagi

  16. This does not sound fun.. I hope those power surges pass quickly for you!


  17. The worst part of all of this is, just when you think that you are done, the hormones kick in all over again and the flashes return. I am not loving this at all... Susan

  18. Oh dear Becky.... you are wonderful. I was so tempted to write about my menopausal madness on my blog but then chickened out... not all my blog visitors are as old or as cranky as me!
    It is rather like being pregnant without the promise of a precious gift at the end of it..Symptoms are the same.. weight gain, mood swings, insomnia, no thermostat control, amnesia... I could go on!
    I thought you were talking about a heat wave until I read on...
    I have some wonderful quotes about the menopause.. I will send them to you along with the long overdue wee gift I promised you an era ago. Blame it on the hormones... they are raging!
    Much love

  19. Boy, can I relate!! I've been getting Hot AND Cold flashes lol. I'll get a real bad hot flash and then chills like when your sick. it's so crazy.lol. I'm 48 and haven't had my monthly friend for 2 years now and I have to say , I'll take the hot flashes! So glad to not have to bother with that anymore!


  20. I've paid my dues. You will like the other side of this so much better. Keep the fans handy.

  21. Oh honey..I been done , done that, got the tshirt!!

    and you explain it JUST perfect!!
    ps..don't do HRT..just my opinion
    but ..I have MY reasons..

  22. Gurl...I hear ya. It's like purberty all over again...only backwards! I'm early (the only thing I've EVER been early for - go figure!) and yeah. so far...YUCK-O! So I hear ya.


  23. Yes, menopause just plan sucks. I've had hotflashes for ten years.
    They are starting to lessen, tho.


  24. We call them Hot Flushes over here in the UK! x

  25. I'm not that far behind you Becky - a few more years . . . I'm not looking forward to it.
    Thinking of you,

    Hey, I LOVE that bluebird too! I've been collecting photos of bluebirds lately, as I have a yearn to paint the 'blue bird of happiness'!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!