Wednesday, September 21, 2011

American Country Fall Decorating

As you recall from the last post, I promised to share about the items for sale inside American Country. The owner, Lori, has such a keen eye for decorating and finding perfectly primitive items to sell to her customers. So come on in…of course, Sadie Mae, Rufus and Toto are here for the trip, too!

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P1010023t P1010024r P1010058j P1010043q P1010051t P1010047t P1010052o P1010064l P1010060m Where did Toto and Rufus go? Oh geesh! You two be careful so that you don’t fall down the steep stairs! If you will note, Rufus looks to be holding tight to Toto’s back leg! P1010067k

I hope that you enjoyed the tour of American Country! For store hours and location, you can call Lori at (209) 668-1888 or visit the website

Before leaving, Miss Sadie Mae got her picture taken with Lori (lf) and her friend Rhonda (rt).

So tootles for now! The next stop will be to visit our friend Andrea!


Julie Harward said...

I love places like this...the well worn wood and all the cute things there. :D

Kris said...

Oh...I saw lots of things that I NEEDED in this post!!!! Where is this store now? Heading back to check out the link now.
: ) Kris

Blondie's Journal said...

This is a primitive wonderland!! Thanks so much for letting us tag along, Becky!! :-)


Brenda Pruitt said...

This is MY kind of place!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Hi, what a yummy tour! I would love to see more...heck I'd love to shop there and see all the goodies close up!

Susie said...

What treasures! I love the horse weather vane.

Pondside said...

That wreath would have been coming home with me!

Stitchfork said...

Great place! I would have taken home the wreath and the witch's brew!
xo Cathy

Duke said...

What beautiful autumn decorations and what a beautiful home!

Kathleen Grace said...

What a cute shop. I really like the twiggy wreath with gourds:>)

Linda said...

Wow...that place is fantastic!

Vee said...

Oh a wreath like that would look great on my newly painted door. What a lot of wonderful the sheep...thanks for the peek inside.

JG said...

What a neat place!!! It has so many things that remind me of New England.

Denise said...

I sooooooooo love country... Made me want to decorate!

becky up the hill said...

hmmm, in Turlock? I was just there yesterday. I have a friend who lives on that road. Off to bug her. It sure is an amazing looking place. Thanks sweetie!!

LeAnn said...

Maybe we could meet halfway somewhere....LOL!! We have got to plan a junkin trip.


Musings from Kim K. said...

What a lovely place to visit. I especially love those sheep and the miniature houses. Swoon.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

A wonderful tour! thanks

Cindy said...

Becky the shop has awesome primitives in it. I always love sheep!

I hope Rufus and Toto didn't chase

Thank you for sharing this shopping spree with to shop and look at different places.This place is really unique!

Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

Elsie said...

Oh my Gosh Becky I love this place. I will have to jump on my broom and fly there to see that wonderful place. Oh, and also to get my "Witches Brew" I saw she had....hummm how DID she get that. Remember I was born on Halloween so I am a true "witch". LOL.
Just tried my broom, it won't budge so I guess I will just have to drool over this screen......sniff,sniff. HeHeHeHe!!!

marie said...

Such a wonderful place and the history behind it is pretty awesome!
Love those two sweet sheep!

Rufus and Toto look to having quite an adventure...ah the stories they'll have to tell!