Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Oils


I recently came upon this antique oil painting at a flea market and scooped it up right away. For quite some time these have been on the top of my “must find” list and when I saw this sitting at the base of a table, my heart just went pitter patter. The price was very good and made it easier for me to talk myself into getting it.


Warm and muted tons…


..and so beautifully feminine. No frame needed – it is gorgeous as is with the old nails exposed on the sides.

P1010023s I found a place for the little lady on my mantel, next to my Nanny’s mantel clock that I inherited.

The unframed painting below was in my friend’s space at the antique shop that we sell at. Of course I HAD to have that, too. It goes so nicely with the other floral paintings. (Just love it when things work out like this – and better yet when so unexpected!)


Thank you for the concern shown in our last post. Long story short is a stranger – high on drugs - was approaching our house at 3AM. I am a light sleeper, as are the dogs, and we basically scared him off by yelling at him – and a few other things – and calling the police. Thank GOD for watching over us! I so appreciate the love shown to us, but we are fine. **You are the best!**


camp and cottage living said...

A drug addict, that would be scarey! Again, glad everyone was OK.
I can see why you're excited about the painting! Don't you wonder who it was that lovingly created it? The two rose pictures look like they could've been a set.
Yes, I love it when things come together like they did for you today.I always pray that if God wants me to have something special I'm looking for, it will happen. Then the joy is double because I was lucky enough to find it and then I'm happy because I feel it was something my loving father wanted me to have too.

becky up the hill said...

"and a few other things" thankful my friend.

Duke said...

What a gorgeous painting! We love it!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Love your oil paintings and the vingette that you created. So pretty.

Glad that you are safe from that would be intruder.


Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Love these paintings and just gorgeous without frames.

Anonymous said...

you hit the jackpot, love your paintings. Glad all is ok at your house. Think of you often.

Skoots1moM said...

great finds...beautifully done

Stitchfork said...

Glad to hear you are all ok!
xo Cathy

Tins and Treasures said...

Good Morning, Becky,
Oh, I am so glad to hear you are safe, and a good ending to your scary story.

Awesome find and perfect placement of your new artwork. Have a marvelous Monday ~Natalie

Changes in the wind said...

Great paintings and great your decor style:)

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

HI Becky,

What a beautiful painting! I love the old world look to it, it's elegant and yet casual too! You find the prettiest things!!

I hope your summer is going along nicely, it's been such a heat wave here and I cannot wait for cooler temps! And I'm so glad every thing turned out ok with your past post too!!

Big hugs! Cyn xox

Elsie said...

Becky there was a guy that held up a girl at Old Navy at 10:00 A.M. in the morning, made her drive to her ATM and get money then made her drive him home. Talk about dumb criminals....he was arrested shortly afterwards. I am so glad you and your patrol are fine. I love your paintings, I see why you fell for all of those. They are truly beautiful. I love that old tint to them and the muted colors.

Amy said... glad your OK! I hope that individual gets the help they need.

Cindy said...

Praise God you and the dogs are okay!! They can be very fierce sounding that is for sure. Ours died 10 years ago...and I never got another one. I miss her always letting me know when someone was even touching our property. My other dogs are outside dogs and they will keep animals off..and kinda bark at people...but my Belle she was a tenacious little thing!!

Love the oil paintings. I will inherit my moms when she passes.So I never look for others..:-)

Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Becky,
I love it! and it does go perfectly with your other rose oil painting. What a great find!!!. It looks so pretty and now you have a collection more than one of a kind..LOL. I think we have a lot of collections.
Have a sweet day and big hugs, Elizabeth

Vee said...

Yelling and a few other things...did you guys turn on the hose? Ha! No doubt about it, that is scary. Glad that you are all safe and sound and that your property is, too.

Lovely art with it's patina all faded. I suppose you could have it cleaned and it would brighten and that would be just the look you wouldn't love.

Simply Shelley said...

Such pretty paintings and they grace your home thankful the Lord was watching over your household,referring to your previous post....what good watch dogs you Duke is getting old and doesn't hear so well anymore...but,no worries ...God's angels are encamped around us :) and you too....blessings dear Becky.

Deborah said...

Im so glad you are all fine!!
The paintings are lovely!

Deborah xxoxo

Unknown said...

That is a pretty terrifying thing! Glad all is well and no one was hurt. How do you find the amazing stuff that you find. Sheesh! No Fair! :)


Mimi Sue said...

Beautiful! Adore the colors. Glad all is well thanks to your "guard" dogs. Mimi

from me to thee......... said...

love your home......

Toyin O. said...

These paintings are great.

Kathi said...

Very nice. I love yor arrangement with them also. Kathi

Colleen said...

I LOVE your paintings!!!! I feel so much shame that I discarded several beautiful floral oil paintings that my aunt painted many years ago. They were not right for my home but I never should have gotten rid of them!

SO very thankful that you scared away the would be intruder! I live out in the country but still felt the need to have a security system. I hope that between it, our dog and my light sleeping husband we will be safe.

Mimos da ClaralĂș! said...

Hi Becky! I went to say hi and say that everything is as beautiful as ever. Congratulations!
May God bless your day!

Dena said...

Hi Becky,

What a beautiful painting you have there! Thank you so much for your email. I'm never too far away ;)


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Love these Sunday oil paintings!