Wednesday, June 23, 2010

By George……

P1010006d ….I think I got it!

I shared about trying to perfect my chocolate chip cookies here. Thanks to Anna (Thimbleanna Blog), she shared with me that a friend of hers uses more flour and only butter – no Crisco. I tried the tip and it worked! These cookies remind me of those made by one of the sweetest women that I use to babysit for. The cookies are “puffy” – not flat and are really fabulous right out of the oven. Nothing beats a hot and melt-in-your-mouth chocolate chip cookie. Got milk?


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

2 sticks butter, softened

3/4 cup granulated sugar

3/4 cup brown sugar – firmly packed

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla


1 tsp baking soda

3 cups flour

1 tsp salt


1 – 12 oz bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips

optional: 1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Combine flour, soda and salt in a bowl and set aside.

In a large mixing bowl beat butter till light and fluffy. Add the white and brown sugar. Beat until smooth. Add vanilla and eggs. Beat until fluffy.

Slowly add the flour mixture to the sugar mixture. Beat until thoroughly mixed.

Stir in the chocolate chips and walnuts.

Place teaspoon sized dollops of cookie dough 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes – until golden brown. Cool on a wired rack. Enjoy!!


Pondside said...

There's nothing quite like a hot-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookie - and yes, milk is a 'must have'!

The Strawberry Mallard said...

Back from the land of misfit vehicles and technical failures...missing chatting and VERY HUNGRY NOW!!!
Love to you angel, from Me and the critter clan

Dawn said...

Looks like perfection to me!

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

I am going to try the recipe this weekend - if my cookies are half as good looking as your photo I am going to very happy! I will let you know how mine turn out. Thank you for sharing.

Nancy (Jesse and Sophia's grandma) said...

I use almost the same recipe. One thing I do different is I started to add 1 tsp of cinnamon to the batter. If you like the taste of cinnamon, it really enhances the chocolate. And I prefer to use the mini chocolate chips. I love chocolate chip cookies, they are definitely my favorite.

Duke said...

Mom will ONLY eat chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven! She likes those chips gooey! Thank you for the recipe!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Green Pea said...

Hello Becky, I can not sleep so I am blog surfing. By George those cookies look good! I wish I had a few right now....Hugs, sandi

Anonymous said...

No no... it's barely breakfast time and you are showing me cookies!! Shame on you... LOL


Kathleen Grace said...

Oh my goodness, these look so good! I have to admit that chocolate chip cookies are my all time favorite. I will be trying these. thanks for sharing Becky:>)

MomWaldsPlace said...

Wow, your putting your red and white china to good use! I bet it emptied really fast. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Yum!! - maybe I will try to make cookies one day - I think my daughter would love them. thanks for sharing.

the wild raspberry said...

Yummy!!! Can you send one over to have with my cup of coffee? Have a great day!

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

looks mouthwatering!!! too bad i am fat and on a diet!

fiberdoodles said...

Cookies for breakfast ~ Yes please!!

Elsie said...

Becky your always making me hungry.
Those look soooo good. I will try
this recipe for sure. Thanks for
the tip.":O)

Anonymous said...

Those look gorgeous!! I love me some tasty cookies!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

JG said...

Yummy! Chocolate Chip Cookies ready to eat. Yours look so good!

The recipe on the Nestle Morsels package is the one my mom always used. She used margarine, and I continue to. Here in MA we called these delicious cookies Toll House Cookies using the name Ruth Wakefield gave them.

Here's the link with a bit of history from the Whitman, MA website.

Warm from the oven are soooo goood!

Vee said...

Glad that you found the
perfect-for-you recipe. My perfect recipe makes a flat cookie, soft on the outside and chewy on the inside. Did you have your AC on? I haven't baked for days for the heat and humidity and I really want to bake a pie.

Julie said...

My boys are coming home from a week long mission in the city. Gonna make these for them...YOU BET! Thanks so much for sharing Becky. Love to visit. Hugs.

Karen said...

thanks for sharing this recipe ... this is the way I like my cookies and I can never get it right ... I will be making these today or tomorrow for sure ... they look delicious!

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

Oh man - you've convinced me to heat up the kitchen and make these cookies. I'll let you know how they turn out.

Amy said...

Hi Becky...
I like my chocolate chip cookies fluffy also. I'm looking forward to giving it a whirl!! Welcome back.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness seeing those cookies pop up makes me hungry!!! Warm cookies and milk are perfect anytime.

FHCS said...

Thanks for stoppin on by my blog with your very sweet comments. Now, these beautiful cookies you have favorite cookie is chocolate chip so I will be trying this recipe out. Everything is better with butter though, so I'm not surprised at all! Thanks for passing it on! Mmmmm,mmmmm!
Take Care, Dee

Miss Jean said...

I was there to taste test them and they were mah-velous, dahling, simply mah-velous!


So yummy looking, we made the same thing last night with our granddaughter. Have a great night!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Send some to me!! :-)

They look wonderful and I bet your home smelled fantastic while they were cooking.

Rebecca said...

O*M*G I can taste those cookies from here...and smell'em too. lol Love them with a BIG glass of milk. Enjoy my friend. Thanks for sharing.


Mimi Sue said...

I'll be trying these this weekend. Thank you! Mimi

"Create Beauty" said...

Oh I can almost smell them. So hungry at the moment! How dare you?!?! I am going to try your recipe. Mine always turn out flat with butter and I won't use shortening (my husband always wonders why my cookies aren't like his moms were. yup. Crisco.)

Thanks for the recipe!!!
~ Violet

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Becky, these sound utterly fabulous. Thank you for sharing this recipe with us. I would love to have a dozen, and there wouldn't be a crumb left. I want my OWN dozen, and Mr. Magpie... well, he would have to fend for himself. ;-) JK I would bake him a "few." That's the problem with a good chocolate chip cookie... they bring out the hoarder in me. LOL!


Sheila :-)

Unknown said...

Oh I way prefer the puffy chewy cookie! Thanks for sharing the recipe!


Unknown said...

I can't wait to try this, my Mom's recipe calls for 1/2 shortning ( Crisco) and half butter....and they are hard!!!! But I like hard cookies....but honestly hersd are just just a bit too hard....thanks for this! :):) Isee you are making banner again....I love the 4th of July ones! :) My banner you made me is in my kitchen! :) Sandy

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

I can't wait to try these cookies. I too have had trouble with my old chocolate chip recipe spreading out too much and becoming too flat. I love my cookies warm out of the oven. YUM!! Your dogs have got to be the cutest little things ever! They have such sweet faces. Love & blessings from NC!

Thimbleanna said...

There Ya Go! Aren't they the best??? I'm glad they're like your friend's cookies. They've been a huge hit in our household for many years!

Lallee said...

Bravo! I knew crisco vs. butter gives different textures to cookies, but I always forget which way! I would like to have been your taste tester through this experiment ;-)

bj said...

These look amazing..ummm

I tried to leave a comment on your beautiful red and white is just the most CHARMING room. I couldn't see a place to leave a comment. but, then again, I am OLDEN and it's almost 1 in the morning...might have just overlooked it. your room.
xo bj