Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Sunny Sunday


Hi friends! Doogie P. here…just taking a break in the sunny backyard today. The sun felt so good, so we just hung around outside while Paw puttered and Maw made breakfast.


Miss Socks looking cozy all puffed up on the warm cement….


..and a bit pensive as I stood guard over her. There are pigeons that come and go in our yard…so I, The Big D-O-G of the yard, had to make sure they didn’t bother my family.


A glance over there….


…and up there to make sure I chase any and all away. Seems that the pigeons like our yard as much as we do…and we all know how we feel about flying rats in our backyard! NOT welcome!


I think my sissy, Fiona, caught a whiff of one….hopefully it wasn’t a bird droppin’ – can we say “ewwww!?”


I think she is ok – I don’t see any white stuff on her nose.


For now, I will keep my post and make sure those nasty birds don’t take roost in the chimney. That makes my Maw wicked mad! But don’t tell her I said so. Chow and arrooooooos!


Char said...

AWE, sweet doggie pictures. They are both beautiful.

ChaChaneen said...

It was a great sunny day wasn't it?! It's been awhile and my kids lurved being in the backyard playing in the sunshine.

Great pictures my friend! As usual! ;)

Carol said...

Aren't they just the cutest doggies! Have a great week!

Linda said...

Oh so cute! It was a beautiful day and your big and little D-O-G and Cat photos were the icing on the cake. Thanks for sharing...Spring is here!

Anonymous said...

Fiona, you have gotten so big and Dugs you look very grown up, very distinguished looking! I love sunshine too, however all we've had the past few days is rain, rain and more rain..ugh!


Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Can't get enough of your darling critters! Darling pictures Becky! Wishing you a joyful week sweetheart!


Anonymous said...

I love their spiffy haircuts!
You can tell D. takes his duties very seriously.
Is the cat pensive because the pup torments her?
Happy Springtime!

Thimbleanna said...

What a good doggie you are Doogie P.! Looks like you're having a great day with your buddies in the sunshine. Say hello to your sweet mom for me!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Your dogs are the sweetest things ever and you have a pretty cat too. Thanks for sharing their pictures with us. Love & blessings from NC!

The Strawberry Mallard said...

I think a couple of our buddieezzzzzz were recently groomed to the max
( and I know a little guy who will need to go next...hint hint....)...

Give them all the xxxxxxxxx and oooooooo you can from the fur clan here!!!

Love you !!!!!!!!

NEBBY and the Boo Dog

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Hello, just wanted to say I enjoyed your post and your sweet dogs. So adorable. We have labs...big dogs...that knock over everything in their excitement to say hi and give loves when we get home! Hahaha...but so entertaining. We wouldn't trade them for the world. I also wanted to say I loved your little spring/bird theme post. I loved it. We have some chickens, and we love the fresh eggs. So wonderful. HOpe your week is wonderful. I love to visit your blog and see what you are upto! Always a great visit.

Mimi Sue said...

I am missing the wonderful California sun today. Makes me homesick for some green grass and bright days. Hopefully we'll be getting some soon. Mimi

Colleen said...

Your dogs and cat are just precious!!! Glad they enjoyed their nice sunny day!

Rochelle said...

Hi Becky! Can you send some sunshine and warmth my way....I can't wait till we get some!

Susan Freeman said...

Hi Doogie, It's Bentley. It was sunny in our yard too and I was very busy chasing all of the squirrels who have the nerve to run up and down the trees in our yard. I wish that my Mom would stop putting out nuts for them! On top of that I had to peek through the fence to make sure that the chickens next door were behaving themselves. Last summer Beatrice hopped our fence and started trying to eat my Mom's flowers. I had to start pulling out her tail feathers to teach her a lesson. What would Mom do without me?!!

Woof from,
Bentley and My Mom too

Elsie said...

Oh Becky that is the cutest,sweetest post. Doogs was
earning his keep and Finoa,well
she earns hers by just being the
prettiest pup in the whole wide
world. I don't like those ole
pigeons either so good job Doogs
and Finoa.:O)

Denise said...

I think that the big DOG is the King of his domain! What cute pictures........ I told my sweet DH the other day that I would really love to have a Scottie........ However with Moses in the house a new dog is out of the question. Zeke (the schnauzer) grew up with Moses (the lovebird) so they are buddies... I do not think a Scottie puppy would appreciate a little feathered friend pecking at his nose! So I will wait ........

Glad you are enjoying the sunshine. We are finally seeing signs of Spring.. it has been a long long winter...

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What beautiful pictures of your babes. Nothing brightens my day more than seeing sweet Scotties.


Abigail said...

What a stunning series!

Duke said...

You guys are both so cute!
We've had rain for the last 4 days in a row! We kinda forgot what sunshine looks like! Thanks for reminding us!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Tanza said...

Hi Becky,
What sweet pictures you shared, and wasn't this just the most beautiful California day !! We are soo spoiled !! We were in our backyard all day as well, hubby, planting our vegetable garden .. LoVe this time of year .. Sooo pleasant and mild .. hoping you are able to enjoy the day today as well .. kinda windy here ..
love and hugs ~

Miss Jean said...

We have a pigeon in the neighborhood now. I'm not too excited about that but what can you do? I keep telling myself that it's a dove! I may need to borrow Mr. Doogs.

Dawn said...

What a great watch dog! I glad he's okay with all the birds in the dinning room though! Your bird house from Penny is so perfectly sweet! I can't beleive she found a piece that said "cottage".

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Hello sweet friend!
I love this post and it's exacty what I needed! Something cute and sweet and made me smile! Thank you.
I hope you are doing good. I know you are doing your best and that is all that counts.
Doogie and Fiona are two of the prettiest and most precious little doggie babes in blogland! These photo's of them really show them off beautifully!
Love and hugs to you!

Connie said...

How cute - you have such a way with words. I enjoy your post.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

What faithful little "watchdogs"!

Unknown said...

Ugh! We have pigeon issues too. Fortunately for us we have sweet guard kitties. Good thing you have sweet guard puppies and kitty! They certainly look like they are doing a great job! :)


Nancy Jo said...

Had fun looking around around site. What cute puppies! And the kitty, can't forget the kitty.
Seems we have a lot of the same tastes. I go the thrift every week and come home wih lots of good stuff and seem to find a place for it. Which is amazing. Just love playing house I guess.
Nancy Jo

Deb said...

Adorable ♥

Jean said...

Hello there sweet boy, You make a perfect guard dog, just like my Maggie Mae, and she says to say hello for her and a big hello to your Mama, sweet Becky. Have a fun day.
Jean in Virginia

Jennifer Hayslip said...

Your pups are adorable! Such sweet photos!!! :) XOXO,Jenn

Lisa said...

The babies are So SO cute, I can just hear them talking about those blasted pigeons! I can't believe your kitty hangs with them so sweetly, it reminds me of that movie Homeward Bound. Did you ever see that? 2 dogs & a cat on a great adventure. Lisa

LaurieAnna's Vintage Home said...

This is one of the most adorable posts I've seen in a while! Love the pic with the two of them looking out the window! Wonderful blog! ~LaurieAnna