Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ships Ahoy!

P1010012l1 Just tidying up the house today. Getting a little jump start on spring cleaning. Ahhhh…..yes, spring. Love it!

P1010016m1 Feeling like I’d like to be at the beach today – what do you think?


Or maybe out on the sea in an old clipper ship.


Or maybe even sipping a Pina Colada underneath a palm tree on a warm sandy beach.

P1010014d2 Our lovely California sunshine is making me want to be outside….


…rather than being inside cleaning.

Ahoy maties! Shall we toss out the anchor, broom and dust rag and sail away? Sounds like a plan to me! Where's my little umbrella drink? **cheers!**


Blondie's Journal said...

It sounds like a lovely idea. If I lived as close to the ocean as you, I doubt I would ever get any cleaning done!!

Happy Thursday, Becky!


Sweet Bee Cottage said...

All right! I'm getting my house shipshape too! Just in time for Spring Break! Yeah!

Kathleen Grace said...

I'm right there with you Becky! It's sunshine and waves I'm longing for:>)

Denise said...

I can smell the salt in the air and feel the sea breeze on my face.... I am there girl friend, I am there!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh girl hold the door while I get my purse and I'll be right with the sea not cleaning that is ha ha!! Been doing that all day...even had my doors and windows open YIPPEE!! for the nice warm SRINGYness in the air...Hope you have a GREAT weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Rhondi said...

Hi Becky
We're having beautiful spring weather here too and it's very hard to stay inside!
Hugs, Rhondi

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

I love your vintage oil paint-by-numbers! All of it, really but especially THOSE!

Your spring is much more progresed than ours, but I love seeing EVERYONE'S spring!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I love to see what you come up with, because you're so good at putting things together. Spring does bring out the need to decorate/redecorate, doesn't it? I've been at it myself, putzing around. Makes cleaning a little easier to bear!

Amy said...

After the brutal winter we had Becky...that sounds wonderful. We've had weather in the 60's this week and it's been lovely. We'll have more cold days for sure but it's nice to know there will be more and more warm days on the way.

The Strawberry Mallard said...

Tell me the time and I will be there with bells on!!!!!!!!!!
All ready to sail away here angel!!!
Love Ya

Vee said...

Hope that you got your chance to make a break for it! Love the bathroom decor and the paint by number clipper ships. It all looks kind of Peter Pan-ish.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Those old palm tree paintings are my very favorites, well except for old Scottie paintings. LOL!!


Pink Roses and Teacups said...


Oh I wish I was on the beach drinking one of those drinks with the little umbrella in it! Yes, time for spring cleaning, open the windows and letting the fresh air in! Your little doggie is so cute.
Nice that he gets along so well with his sister, and miss kitty.


Donna said...

Can I go too? I am so ready for Spring!

Anonymous said...

It was beautiful here today, 67 and sunny. My daughter and I spent the whole day in Ann Arbor, MI perusing little boutiques and such. It was a glorious day BUT rain and snow are on the way...UGH!


Ashlee said...

i so want your paint by numbers!

yay for sunshine.

Anonymous said...

Quack quack! I have a little rubber duckie too! Hope you are getting outdoors and enjoying your sunshine today!!


Patina said...

That sounds wonderful Becky! I say throw away the rag grab your hubby and go to the beach!

Susan Freeman said...

I am cleaning the house today too, although I would much rather be playing outside! If I lived closer to you I would give you a call and we would take the pups to the beach. I'd bring the pina coladas and the little umbrellas too! Have a fun weekend!!

Susan and Bentley

Linda said...

Boy I hear ya...yesterday a sew day in Seal and weekend in Avila. Bring the dogs and head west!

Simple Home said...

We're having beautiful weather here in So. Cal. too. We're getting our garden ready to plant.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Mary said...

Count me in, Becky! No mops or brooms for this NJ girl today. Going outside right now. :) BTW, love your by-the-numbers nautical paintings!

addie373 said...

And cheers to you Becky!
I love the bath decor. It's like right out of a Cottage Style magazine. Gosh, I miss that magazine and my Country Home too. Thank goodness I have you to turn to for all my inspiration now. : )
You have a great weekend!
Happy Spring!

Duke said...

The beach sounds like a great idea to us!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Patty said...

You take fantastic pictures, now I feel like I'm at the beach too :) thanks for posting!

Connie said...

Your pictures are beautiful.

Unknown said...

I love those little paint by number paintings! So cute Becky. I bet your house is always spotless! Sigh.


P.S. Later tonight I'm going to do a little post on "pudding in a cloud" .... I'll be linking back to you. Your Nana's pretty pudding post reminded me of something that I used to make all the time. :)
Enjoy the weekend!

Elsie said...

SUNSHINE,Wow what is that. Oh,yeah
that is that big yellow ball in the sky. We havn't seen much of
that lately and tomorrow is rain
and I hope our last cold spell.
I really like your plan with the
sun, drink and no dust rag.:O)

Pondside said...

Sign me up!! I'll just grab my flotation ring!

Kathy Sue said...

Beautiful pictures girl. I love them all. And kiss that sweet Birthday boy for me. I love those puppy pics of him.I know how happy he makes you. love you,Kathy

Jen said...

your paintings are so lovely! I wish I were out at sea right now!