Thursday, March 11, 2010

For The Birds


Feeling like spring? There sure has been a lot of bird action in our yard these past few days. I think a few may have snuck in to roost in my dining room.


That is ok…the more, the merrier. Don’t you think?


Several of you asked where my mosaic birdhouse will end up. You know us girls move things around a lot – but, for now, Penny’s mosaic birdhouse sits on my white hutch in our dining room. (Kathy, you were right!)




I have had several emails asking about my crockery bowls on top of the hutch. They are old mixing bowls (except for the solid green USA pottery bowl) from the 1930’s and 40’s. My favorite bowls are ones with stripes, like these green ones. They match the green legs on my old metal desk that is now our dining room table. My favorite crockery bowls are made by USA, Watt, Red Wing and Bauer. Here is a link to find vintage bowls – click HERE, HERE and HERE. I have found some of my bowls at thrift stores, estate sales and antique stores. These old bowls often times have a wonderful old crazing to the finish – and maybe a little crack, chip or stain here and there. After all, they have a history and a story. The more imperfections, the bigger the story – don’t you think?


Have a “TWEET” day, friends. Back next week!

A sweet little birdie is flying in to our coup for a visit!! We cannot wait, especially my son! :)


Vintage Linen Treasures said...

Love all your "tweet" little birds! These are quickly becoming my favorite things to collect lately. Must be spring...
Patricia :o)

Vee said...

Hmmm, wonder who that could be...

Wonderful tweety birds! The birdhouse Penny made looks perfect on your dining room hutch. It is one of those pieces that will prove flexible, yet it looks great there.

Rose Garden Romantic said...

I love the touches of spring in your pretty cottage! The birds, birdcages, eggs, nests. I love birds in my house, too. Your vintage bowls are lovely! I agree, the more imperfections, the bigger the story!

Carol said...

You have a lovely way of displaying your treasures! Enjoy your company.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Your hutch and dining room look so wonderful. I love the colors. I have never seen the old mixing bowls with green stripes! Only blue, red and brown....

I love the birdhouse sitting on your hutch. It makes me smile to see it there.

Anonymous said...

Sweet post. I love little bird knikcy knackys in my home decor year round.

The Blue Ridge Gal
(Lovin' the old bowls... have a few myself :-)

Thimbleanna said...

Your home is so beautiful Becky! I love all the little birdy touches -- spring is definitely on it's way!

Susan Freeman said...

I just love visits to your cottage! All of your little birds are just so darling. I am loving your white hutch with all of your treasures. Those old bowls with chips and cracks just give me a warm and fuzzy feeling. What a lovely post!

Susan and Bentley

Kathleen Grace said...

Oh too funny Becky! I called that one! Isn't it funny how we intuit things like that without ever having met? The birdhouse does look just beautiful in the dining room, I just love what you have done with this room! I have birds all over my house, I think we all love the dear little things:>)

Lisa said...

Just love all of your sweet little birdies. There is a blog I love...hmmm....let me think... She has lots of birdy things in her sweet little cottage. Enjoy! My only bird was left out by its terrible owner this winter and fell apart. sniff. I had just spray painted it white, too. Stupid owner.

Lululiz said...

Beautiful birdie vignettes. They are charming little figures.

Jennifer said...

It's funny - all my projects seem to be for the birds now too!! Love your's... been thinkin' bout ya, how are you? Jennifer stop by sometime


Sentimentally Me said...

Looks beautimous, of course. . . .

hmmmm. . . . methinks your special visitor may be from the east coast! Have fun xoxo P

addie373 said...

I love the birds too, and this reminds me that I need to refill my bird feeders out doors. My little friends will be peeking inside the window soon, as if to say hey lady, where's our food? The chickadees are my favorite. They're just too cute!
I love your hutch with all the white pitchers. Everything is so pretty.
You have a wonderful weekend with your family and special guest.

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky,
Yes it is 60 degrees here today and birds are chirping, such a welcome sound. Your dining room is so pretty, you did such a great job and I do love the way you have your hutch looking, 5 stars from me.


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What "tweet" birdies - and I love crockery - even if it's chippy.

Elsie said...

Becky~ I love all your "tweet" birds. They are so cute and your
new birdhouse looks so good on
your white hutch. If that is Tina's
Kathy,girl I know she knows what
she is talking about. I bet I know
what sweet tweet is coming if your
son is excited...HA.HA. I did click
on the first HERE and nothing came
up but the second one did and I
saw my #6 Crock was $100.00 and I
only gave $15.00 for it about 30yr.
ago. Yeah!!! Found several of mine
on that site. Thanks for the info.
Hope you have a good weekend.:O)

becky up the hill said...

man oh we have the same your birds! I have that same McCoy piece too..and to many bowls..can that happend? Have fun with family my friend. Glad the weather is going to be nice.

Diva Kreszl said...

Oh my how I love it all, the nests, sweet little birds but most especially those bowls! I agree the more crazing the better!

Susan said...

Your little birds are precious!! You have a beautiful home!!

Pondside said...

Those birds are very tweet indeed. I like the way you move things around - keeps everything fresh, and lets those little birds get all the exercise they need, winging around!

Claudia said...

I love the birdies. I spy a McCoy piece there, I think - the one with the bird and the bird bath? Love it.


Rhondi said...

Hi Becky
It seems that many of us like birds and have lots in our homes. Yours are very sweet especially the white ones and Penny's birdhouse looks great in the hutch.

Denise said...

hello my friend....... and your "tweets" are tweet..... I am looking out my window looking for spring. I used to collect vintage bowls but have been in the past year or so giving them away....... Shame I did not know you a few years ago.... I had a couple that you would have loved..

I have been on a blog break but trying to get out and visit some...

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Love all your bird items and especially your beautiful new mosaic birdhouse from Penny. Don't you just love it? It turned out so pretty. I know you are proud of it. Love & blessings from NC!

Bella Della said...

I adore all the birds. They are perfect in your home. And so Springy. Love them!

Have a wonderful weekend!

The Decorating Diaries said...

Everything does look so "tweet". I love the whole hutch.


Unknown said...

Birds are so HUGE this year! Have you seen all the lovelies at Pottery Barn? Yours are all darling and I didn't realize how tiny Penny's precious bird house was. That makes it even more darling! :)


Sweet Bee Cottage said...

So pretty! Your home always looks so lovely and inviting.

Rochelle said...

Love the birdies! I sure wish spring would show up in my neck of the woods - oh to live in california again!

Anne Fannie said...

Hello Becky
All your birds are so pretty! I really like your cottage home. Very pretty. I can't wait for spring too. I have so many birds starting to build their nests in my yard, sure sign that spring is near!
It was nice visiting your blog tonight...I will be back!

English Cottage in Georgia said...

OMGoodness, I had no idea you share so much of my loves...all things with birds and vintage pottery with green (I have a really hard time finding any).
It was a delight viewing you pretties...thanks for sharing:-)

Kathy Sue said...

Becky this these pictures are so so beautiful. You do a fantastic job with them. Just so impressed.Love Kathy Sue

Emma said...

Greens and favourite colours! But then again you might know that from my bunting and all my wedding stuff!!
I love your cute bird house and your striped bowls hmmmmm divine!

Have a fab weekend with your guest! xxx

Ann at the Handley Bungalow said...

Love it, love it, love it!!! Your birds are adorable and that hutch is gorgeous with your collection of bowls and beautiful things. Have a great weekend!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I just love to visit you! I come away with such a warm feeling, because you provide such cozy blog eye candy. Thanks for your sweet comment. Yesterday was a day I shall cherish. And of course friends like you who are happy for my having got to experience it.

Colleen said...

I love birds, nests and eggs in the spring also. I have been getting all my spring decor out. I will have pictures on my blog soon to share. In the meantime, I will enjoy yours and your beautiful cottage! Happy Spring.

fiberdoodles said...

Oh your little birds are just adorable and your bowls are just lovely! Have a wonderful weekend my friend!!

The Strawberry Mallard said...

Oh did I notice the new mosaic home for your little feathered friends?

I always feel as though I am visiting with you in person dear friend....whenever I come to your blog, I smile :o)
Lovely pix as always angel... sending love, puppy hugzzzzzzzz and kitty kissezzzz,
from our lil' cop to yours!

Much love to you!
NEBBY & The little Black Dog

myletterstoemily said...

lovely crockery and china cabinet.

precious bird vignettes.


"Create Beauty" said...

I am drawn to anything that features a bird! Your vintage treasures are so beautiful!!! ~ Violet

Lallee said...

Definitely the more birds the merrier. You have such a sweet collection. I am on the look out for some faux eggs this season!

The real birds are driving the cats crazy as they watch through the window. I've added to their torture by hanging a bird feeder just outside the office window ;-) Am I a mean mommy?

Tell S to enjoy the special visitor! You too.


Duke said...

So many pretty birdies!
Mom loves the old mixing bowls! They're the best!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Tins and Treasures said...

I always enjoy visiting you at your place! Thank you for sharing your sweet little birdies.

Enjoy Sunday ~Natalie

Brenda said...

Love the bird house and all of the birds.Your house is always so cute.
I love the color of your dinning room,it is so calming.

Donna, The Decorated House said...

Beautiful! Love where you are displaying your birdhouse.