Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Walk


When nothing whereon to lean remains,

When strongholds crumble to dust;


When nothing is sure but that God still reigns,

That is just the time to trust.


‘Tis better to walk by faith than sight,

In this path of yours and mine;

And the pitch-black night, when there’s no outer light


Is the time for FAITH to shine.

… unknown…..

As I was reading my Streams In The Desert book yesterday, this little poem was part of the daily devotional. I love the message and wanted to share it with you. Through thick and thin, turn to our Father. He is always there. Be still….you will feel him and his presence is that of non-other. ** Peace to you today…..B.

CREDITS: Photos taken by my husband. In sequence: A mountain Ridge over the Sonora Pass (CA); a river view in Yosemite Valley (CA); beautiful Aspen trees along the drive over the Sonora Pass (CA); and a glistening river in Yosemite, CA. Thank you, dear hubby, for capturing such beauty.


Martine said...

beautiful photos!

thank you for sharing the devotional message.

xo martine

Vee said...

Beautiful photography and a wonderful reminder. I already miss "Streams..." and may have to return. (We chose a different devotional this year for our morning reading.)

Miss Jean said...

Thank you, Becky, for helping us put things in perspective. We are not alone.

Great pictures, Mr. B!!

Amy said...

Thank you Becky. Such a lovely mesage that touches my heart. Peace to you too my friend. ~amy

Elsie said...

Thank you Becky~We get so busy
sometimes we need to slow down
and smell the roses. Peace be
with you too my friend.:O)

Mumzie said...

Lovely message and beautiful pictures. Mumzie

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky,
That was beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us.


Kathleen Grace said...

Amen Becky:>) I need to get a copy of that book. I keep hearing how good it is and I gave my own devotional to my daughter this year for Christmas. The poem is so beautiful, and so true.

Tanza said...

Truly Beautiful Becky,
The pictures gorgeous !! The words soo meaningful and touching .. you are an amazing testimony of a woman who through broken heart and tears, BUT, yet, admires and leans on the Lord Jesus like no other .. You are an inspiration and I soo admire and adore sweet, lovable,you ..Keep your eyes and heart heavenward each day ~ LoVe and sweet blessings to you and yours ~
Big hugs ~tea~xo

Dusty Devoe said...

Beautiful pictures and post! I needed that today.

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Becky,
Absolutely beautiful! and so heart felt. I love Sonora my Parents use to live there it is turely a lovely place.
Big hugs,

dicienan said...

Thank you so much for your blog. I come here often for the quilts, but this post has me in tears. God has used you today to bless me, and I wanted you to know.

The music and pictures are perfect!


Sinta Renee said...

Beautiful Becky! The photos of Yosemite and Sonora Pass- are absolutely georgous. The poem was beatuful too and went with the scenery perfectly. I had to take a moment to take them in and then a big exhale followed. Thank you.

The Green Pea said...

Beautiful post and great photos. Thank you Becky for the lovely lady that you are....God Bless you and your family. sandi

Diva Kreszl said...

lovely sentiment and very true...the photos are exceptional!

Duke said...

What gorgeous photos and lovely words.

Donna said...

I love all of the pics ... just beautiful! I am reading the "Streams in the Desert" devotionals too. I think of you daily.
God Bless,

Dena said...

That message was just what I needed...thank you for posting this Becky.


Unknown said...

Those are beautiful photos!
Thanks to your hubby. And thanks for reminding us that even though we think we are in our 11th hour...He is with us 24/7. Never leaving and never forgetting his promises.


Patina said...

The photos are just beautiful!
What a wonderful devotional to hear, thanks Becky!

Dawn said...

Lovely, comforting poem isn't it? The photos are breathtaking, especially the first one. Hubby did a fantastic job.

Unknown said...

A beautiful message to go with spectacular photos. Thank you for sharing.

Simple Home said...

What a beautiful poem and photos to go along with it. He is the One to lean on, and you are an inspiration.

Linda said...

Beautiful...a perfect way to start the day..the music is so special also.God's grace and comfort even more so. Thank you.

ThisleRose said...

Lovely, peaceful photos and an equally touching message.

twinkle said...

Lovely photos and lovely devotion. Walking by faith sounds a lot easier than it really is. Sometimes it's more like standing still until you feel His hand touch yours and pull you.

Happy New YEAR!!!

cathleen said...

So beautiful, Becky. Thank you for this.

Denise said...

Peace sweet peace flowing down from the Father....... and in the stillness we hear HIM ...... no need to wonder any longer...... HE is there.. HE has always been there.....

sending hugs

Jocelyn said...

Beautiful pictures. Beautiful words. Thanks Becky for sharing them.

Anonymous said...

I hope you really read all your comments because I have something I want to say to you. I KNOW this is incredibly painful for you. I acknowledge that you are hurting so bad that sometimes you don't know if you can make it through.

But you have a gift. You are incredibly gifted with words. Usually, people that can write can also speak. I can't help but believe that God is using you through Jordan. There is something He wants you to a motivational Christian speaker, write a book to help others who have been through this...I don't know and I don't presume to know what God thinks, but trust me. This I know. HE has something He wants you to do. My experience has been that when He has a plan for you He means to see it happen. You can't escape it.

You must feel what you're feeling right now. Give yourself time and then ask Him what it is He wants you to do. He will answer you.

Kathie Truitt

The Strawberry Mallard said...

What beautiful words to share with us!~ Thanks you Miss Becky , as always from bringing us light!

Love ya,
NEBS and Gus Gus

the wild raspberry said...

beautiful photos

beautiful words


ChaChaneen said...

Did you get your computer back up and running again? These are beautiful pictures and I lurve the devotional. I have a plaque on my cabinet next to where I do dishes and it says... "Faith is confidence in God when you do not understand." I just lurve it because so often things happen I don't understand the earthly reason for, so I have to trust that it has eternal value.

a Pocket Angel said...

Becky, Just wanted to stop by and say hello.. you were in my thoughts.
Such a lovely post.
Hugs~Mary~ :-}

quiltingnana said...

your message was lovely...and so were the photos

Anonymous said...

thank you for this - came at the perfect time for me to see it! hugs, CF

Lallee said...

What a beautiful poem. Your husband's pictures just get better and better. These go so perfectly with the poem. Thank you for this message!

Susie Q said...

These photos are simply glorious!!
And your words...just what we all need to hear, especially me, at times!
Love to you,