Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Some Favorites

How's your day going?
I sure can tell you that a bunch of us here in California are loving this cooler weather!!
Now I don't mind doing a little housework since it isn't smoking hot!
I'll just dust around and while doing so snap a few pics of some of my favorite pieces, like this sweet little chalkware girl.....
....and my antique powder boxes that are also music boxes. They have a wonderful patina on them...
....and interesting designs on the top, like the crown on the one above.

This little plateau mirror holds old rouge compacts, perfume bottles, a holy water bottle and other religious pieces.
My favorite colors.....silver, blues and red.

The chalkware piece below was a recent estate sale find.

I am in love with these old bindings and the textures of old books.

Praying that you are all fine....
.....and have a good night!


the wild raspberry said...

i love your powder boxes and old books...what a beautiful pairing.

you have a good night yourself~~



blushing rose said...

TY for sharing your lovely treasures. I love the little lady.

Terry's hubby was in an accident. Please pray for them @ terrytreasures.blogspot.com.

Have a lovely autumn week. TTFN ~Marydon

busyascanbe said...

How fun! Thanks for sharing your treasures.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What beautiful things full of history and romance. I want to put things on my dresser that evoke that feeling. Thank you for the inspiration! Have a good evening!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

It would be a joy to dust around those beautiful treasures! I love the old books...

Patina said...

Love looking at all your pretty things.

Simply Shelley said...

Love all your wonderful things....thanks for sharing...

Much blessings

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Oh Becky, I love everything! We, too, are collectors of old books. I love placing them around our home; and reading a few too!

Skoots1moM said...

the chalkware beauty...love it.
I'm an "old book" lover too...my favorite is my granny's old Cokesbury's hymnal :)

Amy said...

Have a good night too! Thought of you earlier today when I saw a sweet Fiona-look-alike at the vet today. -amy

Anonymous said...

Those old books look so nice!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Twyla and Lindsey said...

I love absolutely everything you showed! I so appreciated your sweet comment on our blog today. Thank you so much for visiting. I enjoyed seeing some of your motto prints. Have a nice week! Twyla

Thimbleanna said...

Such beautiful treasures! I'll bet your home is just as sweet as can be!

Brenda said...

Thanks for sharing.Enjoy the cool weather.

Anonymous said...

I love the sight of old books!!! I have a friend how collects the powder boxes also. I found a large one (probably 8 inches at least) that when you open it looks like it would hold a donut (does that make sense?) I am thinking it may be a hair receiver?


The Tattered Cottage said...

Hi Sweet Becky!
You have such lovely treasures! I spent some time earlier looking through your cottage photos. I love the beautiful treasures you have filled your home with :) Thanks for sharing some of your favorites.

stefanie said...

as a fellow californian, i am LOVING this weather, yesterday was awful, oh i hope it stays like this for a long time

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Dear Becky, what a sweet post - love all of your lovelies.

Amy said...

So many wonderful pieces and praying for you too that you are fine! Thank you Becky!!

Julie said...

I love all of your little treasures! And my hubby would just go nuts over your old books.

Have a wonderful fall day!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Hi Becky! (AKA "California Girl" - I think I was new and didn't know your first name. So funny to hear that you discovered your "new name" in this way through one of my posts! Anyway, I was thrilled to hear that you are loving your feedsack squares. I'd love to see any and all projects that you come up with! Awesome!!!

Loving all your gorgeous vintage treasures today, too! You always find the most beautiful items! I especially love the antique postcard with the Beatitude, "Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God." Thank you for sharing!

Also...It's my first BLOGOVERSARY today and I am having a GIVEAWAY, so please come on over and enter. Everyone is welcome!

Duke said...

We love the older books too!

Michelle said...

I so enjoyed my look at your treasures..hard to pick a favorite but I do like the arrangement on the mirror.

Thanks for wishing Rob a happy birthday ~ just finished making the best homemade chocolate cake! Do ya think we could eat dessert before dinner? Hee!

I thought of you ~ have you seen the Just CrossStitch 2009 Christmas Ornament issue? There is the most adorable black scotty dog with plaid.. too cute!

This weather is so wonderful ~ enjoy and take care,


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Your favorite treasures are wonderful, and you have arranged them so beautifully. I want to go rearrange everything in my home! You are an inspiration. laurie

Unknown said...

Beautiful treasures!!!
Muy bonitos.


Mimi Sue said...

My grandma had a powder box that played music. I hadn't thought about that for years. Mimi

Dawn said...

Hi Becky,
Isn't it nice to breathe fresh,cool air? I didn't think it was ever going to cool down.

All of your things look so nice together. You've got such a great eye for vingnettes.

Kathleen Grace said...

I love how you put things together Becky. You see beauty in so many things and when you put them together they are treasures! I have that same little white bird! Isn't that funny?

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Sometimes I think that beautiful vintage items that were well loved and cared for hold an energy that shines through. We can be drawn to how much they meant to someone else at one time. Your lovely items seem to emit that sort of feeling.
♥, Susan

Lisa said...

I always love looking at your vignettes, your style is so great. Love the rough compacts, frames and statue. Lisa

Mary said...

Oh, it's always so much fun to stop by and look at all your treasures, Becky! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. :)

Suzy's Vintage Attic said...

I love your treligious pieces, especially the Virgin Mary Statue.
Your old books are lovely, something I love to have in a house.
Have a good weekend
Isabelle x

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Housework isnt so bad with pretty things to look at! I really like the chalkware girl.
Have a nice day.

cherry said...

YUMMMMMMMMMMM! Simply beautiful..and love the serene reminder of what is important...pointing up above with my finger towards the sky. cherry

Robin said...

yes I love the powder boxes too! Everytime I come here it's just a treasure trove of beauty! Have a perfecly wonderul weekend Becky!