Thursday, July 2, 2009

Aroooos!!! Scotty Translation: Thank you!

Greetings! I am just amazed at the friendship and sharing that comes from connections through blogging. I'd like to share a few of some special treasures from some very special friends.
Toni, who is a new blogger and has an adorable blog titled The Tattered Cottage, asked if she could send me something "small." I am really shy about getting presents *insert red face here." So when I got this not so small box from Toni and opened it to find this Scottie doorstop I *gasped!* I might add that he bears a striking resemblance to Mr. Duhgall Piper! And almost as heavy, too!
Toni also enclosed these adorable red checkered embroidered pillows that have three ,out of four, of my favorite words in life - how did she know? Thank you, Toni!
My sweet friend, Miss Kim (Daisy Cottage) sent to me this beautifully written book titled Gifts From The Sea. It is one of her favorite books and I can see why. Anne Morrow Lindbergh's insight to life is simply profound. Her heart, wisdom and words have touched me in the pages of her book. I found this sentence she wrote to be true....

"The waves echo behind me. Patience - Faith - Openness, is what the sea has to teach. Simplicity, Solitude - Intermittency....But there are other beaches to explore. There are more shells to find. This is only a beginning."

Thank you, Kim! Anecdotes, like these, are like little doses of hugs and comfort.
My fourth favorite word is FAITH and sweet Diane (Lavender Dreamer blog) recently had a giveaway for this sweet print by artist Catherine Holman. So needless to say that when Diane informed me I won this giveaway, I jumped up and down with joy! Thank you, Diane! You know I will cherish this and will have it framed in an antique frame, too!

Below is the story about the drawing. I think it is soooooooo sweet!!! Clyde is a hero in my eyes! Miss Abigail is one lucky lady as well. I can just picture these two lovely souls who share laughter, smiles and friendship over meals and stories.

Miss Lisa (A Thing For Roses ), my longtime sweet and talented blog friend (who I swear I will get to meet someday!!!) surprised me with MORE wonderful Scottie goodness. She has a way of knowing what I like, too.
Above is a vintage crocheted doily with none other than Scottie dogs. I will be sewing this onto a linen covered pillow someday!
Lisa also sent this teensie tiny little quilted stuffed Scottie. The squares are about a half inch each - toooooo cute! Lisa, thank you!!!
And lastly, my friend Sandi (The Green Pea blog) gifted me with five vintage Scottie glasses and these cute little figurines. Sandi and Mr. Green Pea own a fabulous antique shop (read about her here on her blog) and she usually has a story to go with the pieces she sells. The gold Scottie piece was from an old estate in town and a little boy made this plaster Scottie piece many, many years ago. The little black Scottie is from her own collection and I am honored to have it now in mine.

Thank you, Miss Sandi!

If you are ever in Central California, be sure to stop by her shop! I know that my infamous friends, Elizabeth and Pam, recently did and loved it! Miss Jean and I have made quite a few stops there together to oogle and aww over fun vintage things....I have a few fun pieces to have delivered soon, too!


The Green Pea said...

Becky, thank you for all of the sweet words about the Green Pea. I would just like to say, "thank you for all of your encouraging words to me about starting a blog". You have been a nice friend and I can see that you are loved by many of your friends. God Bless you and your family always. Love ya, Sandi

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Oh My Goodness Becky! You have received such wonderful things from some very special people. And I know why. You are VERY special yourself!
Lots of Love,

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What wonderful gifts and a prize too! It takes a very special person to form those kinds of frienships in Blogland. laurie

Thimbleanna said...

Wow Becky -- what wonderful gifts you've received. Proof positive of how much you are loved!

Rochelle said...

Hi Becky
You are loved! Such cute gifts!

Jocelyn said...

What wonderful blessings you have received. Enjoy them all :-)

Celticlass said...

I love your Scotties!! Lisa of A Thing for Roses really is super sweet. I collect scotties because I am Scottish, people always think irish because of Erin. My Grandpa had a Scotty like yours named MAX. You blog is great it made me smile. Happy 4th. Many Blessings, Erin

Pat said...

Such a wonderful post about some very wonderful things (and people). Thanks for sharing!!!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Dear Becky,

You hit the Scottie "jackpot". It's so wonderful to see all of these fabulous items on your blog. You are such a special person and these beautiful gifts are ways of showing you.

Have a fabulous Friday.


Duke said...

What lovely and very thoughtful gifts! You have wonderful friends!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Brenda said...

Becky ,You have so many wonderful freinds you are indeed blessed and a very sweet person.

Lallee said...

What lovely gifts! Gifts from the Sea has been one of my friend's favorite books for many, many years. Lots to aroo about in this post!

the wild raspberry said...

what wonderful treasures from some wonderful friends!
everytime i see a scotty dog...i think of you.
{hint: i have a little something up my sleeve as well :) }
have a wonderful 4th of July weekend.

Patina said...

What sweet blogging friends. You rec'd some fun things, I know you'll have fun decorating with them. Whenever I see a Scottie Dog I think of you!

Hope you have a wondeful day Becky!

Denise said...

You are so loved and what a wonder bounty!

You are one special lady and it shows...

Have a wonderful 4th of July and let us remember that our freedom did not come free.......


Vee said...

You have the best friends! What delights they've presented you with...

Feedsack Fantasy said...

You had a week, didn't you. This is so sweet of your friends ... have a wonderful 4th. TTFN ~Marydon

Linda Summerfield said...

There is something so wonderful about the friendship made here! I can't imagine a more deserving person to be showered in scotty dog gifts!!!!
Your Pal,

Julie said...

Just checked in to say I made your Sweet Cherry Almond Squares this morning for my guys and it is a smash hit! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
By the way, I love all the Scotties. I have a number sprinkled around my house, because I have ALWAYS loved that breed. Guess that's why I loved Lady and the Tramp with the adorable Scottie, Jacque. This house loves dogs. Love seeing pics of both your doggies. A house is not a home without a dog (around this home anyway.)

PamKittyMorning said...

I wish we all lived closer for more visiting.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Becky..I also understand why also.
Special things for special people. I don't think there is anyone who knows you..and I mean ANYONE.. that doesn't know there is something...perhaps everything, so very special about you! I am grateful you crossed my path and I am glad we are friends.
~Love and hugs~
P.S. My very favorite is the couple that carried the food back and forth...I guess I sort of relate to that one. Blogging is one of the most rewarding pasttimes. It's amazing.

Kathleen Grace said...

What a wonderful network of support and kindness we find n blogging! It can't help but brighten your day to see the postman leaving gifts:>)

Skoots1moM said...

what sweet blessings your friends have shared with a very sweet friend.
love all the scotties...think the doily is my fav!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Such lovely things and for such a lovely woman! All of that Scotty goodness is so much fun to see. They really are the cutest puppies.
♥, Susan


Becky, have received many Blessings from wonderful blogland friends!!!
Thanks for sharing your swet new treasures!
Deb :)

Rosemary said...

Hi Becky,
Just wanted to stop by and say hello.
I hope you have a good weekend!
Very nice bloggy friends!!

AnnB said...

Happy 4th of July to you and your family. Your warmth shines through constantly.

Lacy said...

Love ALL the Scottie items.
Can never ever get enough!
Thanks for the great blog post.

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

What a delight to see all your goodies from your sweet friends!
I know they will be loved and enjoyed in your home!!

Allidink said...

You are so loved! Scotties everywhere! So cute!

All the best,

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Happy 4th...hugs..m.

Maria Catalina Wiley said...

Hello gentle & beautiful Becky:) Just dropping in to say hi! Thinking of you:) cheers, Maria

Andi said...

What lovely gifts you've received Becky. I think it's so nice when wonderful vintage things find just the right home and it looks like these special items have done just that.

Amber said...

what sweet little treasures!! I must say that whenever I see antique scotty stuff I always think of you!

Maisy said...

every time i see your pups it makes me want to get one. thanks again for sharing them with me.